
Well I do love paying subscriptions to a billion different streaming services...


I have completely turned around on Bill.

I was wondering if he’s been cast (or is looking to get cast) in a Freddie Mercury biopic.

I was not prepared for that. Absolutely wonderful tribute and I’m glad they showed her rebellious (heh) side, showing the Carrie Fisher we all fell in love with. It’s like hearing she died all over again.

Invincible is my favorite comic, so bummed it’s ending. I hope he decides to do further stories with the characters later on.

I’m not sure what movie you guys were watching, but it’s clear that their intention is that he is not that evil. He’s a wannabe. Couldn’t you tell from his whining during the movie? His temper tantrums when things went wrong? We didn’t see Vader doing that. Kylo Ren telling Snoke that he feels the light pulling

...Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they share a special kind of hug...

Ok, Ok it was Arcade. He’s taking David to his newest Murderworld.

I think half the reason that Vader’s castle was in Rogue One was to set it up for The Last Jedi; Kylo’s probably raiding the place for swag.

(how the hell did he get it off that burning pyre on Endor intact if it is, though?)

Of course you’re right. I thought this was completely obvious, especially when you saw the look of anguish on her face when she saw that the pills would not give her the chance she needed. She’s looking for her “Leto Atreides vs. Barron Harkonnen” moment but she only has half a Dr. Yueh (sorry, non-Dune fans).

I don’t think Sasha really wanted to just kill herself. She wanted a weapon to try to use on Negan, just like the “wives” did previously. She’s just better at convincing Eugene to get it for her. She also does not mind if she dies trying to kill Negan. To me she looked pleased when Eugene agreed, but there was

I worry so much that one day he’ll disappoint, because we’re not allowed good things.

I love Mark Hamill. He just comes across as such a genuinely good dude.

Given that Once Upon a Time is just a half ass Fables knockoff, yeah.

I’m wondering if we find out that she’s a line of clones? That would explain her surviving a planet exploding, fwiw.

Good news! The adventures of David Haller have officially been renewed for a second season at FX.

There has never been anything scarier than adolescent girls, especially when I was an adolescent boy.

A gated-suburb planet. We’re going to learn that Han’s parents were actually accountants for a galactic insurance company.