
The OA is getting a second season though I thought. I really hope so. Glow is amazing! I havent watched sense8.

oh fleabag was good but the end was rough.

I binged the crap out of catastrophe and didn’t think I would like it at all. I love the crap out of it. Wish my husband was funny like him without the drinking problem.

God Please I wish upon a fucking star that Fables gets picked up by starz if American gods does well. Or unwritten would be amazing anything. Anyone know whats going on with Y the last man?

I will watch it all again to see if it makes more sense and totally entertaining.

believe me bring someone you can ditch your kids with. Like grandma or a babysitter. It makes it more enjoyable hate to say.

I was thinking this the whole time!!!!!!!!!

I really hated the cg Tarkin, If it was brief like it was with Leia then maybe but he was such a major character. I didn’t understand why they couldnt have some other new commander and have him die then Tarkin move up and take his place. It was really unnerving especially since Cushing is dead.

Ok, so questions.

I think I would go insane if I was soulmated with a buddist monk who keeps his vow of silence even after death. I would feel so jipped same with Chidi he didnt get his actual soul mate. And is soul mate like love of your life or just person your connected to most. I wish they would go more into that.

What about being offended by someones outfit? When I went to the first NYCC there was a women and and man dressed from nothing recognizable and basically she was wearing chain rings on her butt and nothing else her top was very loose and she had some strange head thing on. Not sure if they were promoting something but

Can anyone tell me why Mike Carey writes under M.R. Carey instead of Mike Carey like for his other books they all seem supernatural in ways. Like I get why Stephen King does it for his fantasy books vs. horro but not sure why Mike does.

I MISS IT! I loved reading about the obscure stuff and even stuff I had read before, bring it back under gawker or something come on pwease:))))))

The first one is amazing, especially how good the contacts look or photoshoped not sure but its hard to pull those off with dark eyes usually. These people should be make up artist in hollywood if they are not.

I was really thrown about how much in love the Joker was with Harley like end of the earth in love. I always got the feel that it was reversed like you said. I kind of liked that it was an equal love and that he actually care for something or someone. I just really didnt like the modern gangster approach I understand

I liked it more then Zootopia actually. Not saying Zootopia was bad but this had some cute and funny moments. My almost 2 year old actually cracks up every time I show her the clip of the cat and the fridge. Now attack me.

I tried but after the 3rd they were so repetitive and so badly written even for YA that I gave up.

GOD YES!!! maybe somewhere on youtube now i must search for a shitty version.

What were two the sides of it. They looked jelly like but more covered in sand and larger with a purplish glow. I WANT TO KNOW MORE!

Thats what I thought or a light ball with spikes my kids play with.