
I’ll defend this movie for a thousand years.

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

“Wake up bitch you’re my new best friend!”

She is the star of The Guild, an internet show that is hi-lar-ee-ous!

You’re close:

Also! Well, there’s this guy:

Ah, now you’re following me. Nice job, troll.

Uh, excuse me, I think you meant to call it the Gump.

What about The Wizard of Oz...IN SPACE! I can’t believe nobody has ever done that! We can have a nice farm girl living on a farm planet picked up by a SPACE TORNADO! And she lands on a planet called Oz!

Dude. Checking in from Bloomington, IN, to advise you that, yeah, we’re pretty super-pissed at this guy, and we’re having marches and demonstrations and such.

Can I add that sentiment from the other side of the Atlantic? I am utterly ashamed that the British government can’t summon the courage to denounce Trump’s action in the frankest of terms.

Show of hands; am I the only one that kind of liked the movie despite all its numerous flaws?

I do not envy these people. It’s raw and sensitve as hell and no matter what choice they make it’ll be the wrong one to a number of people.

Okay, I’ve given it two weeks to settle in but honestly I fall on the side of the people who were not impressed with this movie. My complaints echo the others. Too many call outs (tell your story, damnit), not enough character development, pacing, Grand Moff Tarkin, etc.... The more we hear of changes the more I’d

As long as it ends up on Netflix and not ABC I am with you there.

Not that I have anything against the SW animated series, but I’d be more excited about a live action show.

Same here. Cushing was on screen so much during the film, it constantly veered into the uncanny valley. Young Leia was in it for such a short amount of time, her scene was over before I could really register any problems thankfully.

Yeah. Honestly, I found her less disconcerting than him considering she was a) only onscreen for seconds and b) didn’t do that much moving. Meanwhile, Tarkin looked nice, but a few moments he seemed a little glossy and his skin moved weird.

Leia’s appearance in the film was far more egregious because we’d seen older Carrie Fisher in a film fairly recently. It felt unnecessary to me by virtue of being so obviously fake.