
Delightfully nostalgic.

Yea, I have a feeling Pike will crash and burn and we’ll be back to the Abby/Marcus oligarchy soon enough.

Everyone loves Roan! I don’t feel much of a connection to his character yet, but maybe I need to give him more of a chance.

My only thought after Lexa proved herself was “And that’s why she’s the motherfucking Commander!”

Is it showing my inner tween that I think Clarke should keep Lexa AND Roan around?

If that little fucker makes it out of the episode alive, I will be very surprised.

I hope they don’t do a Hangover 2 in the sequel. Deadpool was an amazing movie, but Fox could rush things making DP an annoying (not fun) franchise.

just realized something - my theories? Jonny Quick - who’s access to speed force is voice-activated - must say formula. Billy Batson (that would just be TOO cray-cray) but voice activated powers (Speed of Mercury) Jonny Thunder/bolt - voice activated powers (cei-u/say-u) because he’s *may* have speed being a magical

Not yet, but I’m dying to know. I’m thinking another speedster. The only question is who!?!

Does anyone know who this is ???

SO MUCH BETTER for her. And funnier. And prettier. Yes I said it. Major has a block head.

Connor Hawk is for sure showing up. Oliver Queen is too. A super old 1 armed Oliver Queen that is.

There’s been hints and rumours that the Legion will show up in some way on LoT. Nothing firm,. though.

Not sci-fi, but I love Carla and Turk on Scrubs, although I really hated the episode where she kissed JD for no reason other than to introduce conflict into their marriage. They got together early in the show, there was never a love triangle character thrown at them, they got married, they had a kid. And they were a

This would count as both #2 and #5, I think: Pete and Myka in Warehouse 13's final season. That was just totally wrong. The series had spent years establishing them as totally platonic partners who saw each other as brother and sister and were revolted by the idea of a romance between them. There was even an episode

What about if the 2 leads have great chemistry but then you bring his dead witch wife back to life and waste an entire season?

I think it’s the upgrade, eventually building up to Velocity 9.

Recaps gone one week, back one week, no one knows why...