
Huh. While this sounds interesting, I was under the impression that Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials was to the be the first Bad Wolf production. I mean, obviously, they can work on more than one at a time, but the HDM fanboy inside me wants that immediately.

A production group called Bad Wolf creating a TV series based on books by a person named Harkness.

I thought The Village was decent. We few... we very few who think it’s underrated.

I felt like she largely carried the episode. Where did she get all of those knives?! Garber had some good moments, too.

Thanks for a TV recap! Fave part of io9!!

Slice him up and box the pieces if you wanna get nasty with it.

I really want to love this show.

Why didn’t they just take Savage after Rip slit his throat, wait for him to heal then have that hawk lady (don’t remember her name) stab him? He’s down, even if they couldn’t kill him they could try containment. Can’t rule the world if they throw him in a cell & throw away the key.

Unrelated note: where did they get a computer like this in 1975?

I don’t care if I posted this already today. He looks great in a tuxedo.

Pepe... is... GOD pretty nice in my opinion, y’now, he’s cool n stuff.

Here is how you fix the Muppets: More Rowlf and way more Statler and Waldorf. And less of that annoyingly creepy “Chip”.

Tinker with The Muppets if need be (not too much), but i’m just glad they’re letting it stay. Give it time for it to breathe, it has so much going for it, in this newer incarnation. I can say i’ve missed it not being around these last few weeks, like really missed it, which is something i couldn’t say for a lot of

So true. These blurbs might give us a place to talk about the week’s episode, but it’s just not the same as having a smart person like Charlie or Bricken offer their own insights to kick off discussion. Not to mention the number of times that their recaps made me look at a particular aspect of an episode in a new way.

Seems to me that io9 as I knew and loved it is gradually being phased out and it is only a matter of time and losing inertia before I go away. The point where it became a Gizmodo sub blog seems to have been an inflection point, and not a good one.

I’ve got to lend my voice to the group expressing disappointment with the slow phasing out of TV recaps

Only episode I have seen of the new series and loved it. Except all the transphobia and transmisogyny. Casting a drag queen as trans woman, having her have stupidest line to make sure audience knows shes ‘Not really a woman’, her whole point in the episode as joke for transphobic conversation.

If io9 was a stool, its three legs would be recaps, spoilers and rumors. There’s a lot of other stuff io9 does that I love, but remove one of those legs and the whole enterprise starts to fall apart.

While I love the writing as usual, I’ve got to lend my voice to the group expressing disappointment with the slow phasing out of TV recaps. They’ve been a cornerstone of IO9 for a long, long time. They’re a big part of the reason why so many of us started coming to the site. I’m not against the merger, but when it