
Well, we have as much chance as Metamorpho, realistically. But then, who thought we’d see King Shark on TV, or Gorilla Grodd as a RECURRING character? Truly, we live in an age of marvels. (oops, wrong company).

This account is trying to aggregate all the recaps into one place so that folks who are looking for io9-ish* recaps can just go to one address. The amount of content is a bit light so far but it’ll try to keep up.

Ultra - the Multi-Alien or GTFO!

I had to look Hourman up. Apparently his powers only work for exactly one hour.

For last week:

MA HUNKLE! Goddamit! What a time to be alive for a nerd :D

It’s really not. The show is very pretty to watch.

I really like Lucifer! It’s refreshing how he just tells people who he is.

Like Baymax sneaking through the abandoned warehouse.

It’s not about make-up!

God, I hope not. I love Lauren Ambrose, but Robbie Amell is a black hole of charisma, and about as much use as a one legged man at an ass-kicking party.

I’d love to see one of those scenes before the ADR and sound FX get added. Just the thought of a group of heavily-leather-clad people trying to sneak up on anyone...

Honest question... Is it a thing for women in wheelchairs to wear short skirts and high heels on a regular basis? I mean, I don’t blame someone for wanting to look nice, and I’m certainly not opposed to any chance to get a glimpse of Emily Bett Rickards’ knockout legs, but it seems like a rather impractical wardrobe

Boy that’s a lot of leather in that Arrow picture.

Well, that kidnapping should teach Clarke not to hit and run.

Lexa doesn’t just want Clarke for her power, she obviously has really deep feelings for her. But it’s true, if the Ice Nation wasn’t forcing her hand she would probably have left Clarke alone hoping that someday she could forgive Lexa.

I love this damn show. Lexa is so remote and calculated. I love the way the actress’ stoic poker-face cracks just a tinge when she sees Clarke.

Three seasons of Hannibal strongly suggest Fuller and David Slade will do just fine.

Considering that Fuller pulled off both Pushing Daisies, Dead Like me, and Hannibal, I’m confident in his versatility. And at least the visuals will be interesting, which is needed with any of Gaiman’s works.

Richie Rich is a diminutive 34 year old woman?!