
I believe it’ll be on there soon, but for some reason (money) they made a deal with Amazon for exclusive rights to season one of Agent Carter.

No idea, this one’s silver and that one’s gold. Totally different.

I think they’d have been better off using the Season 10 “uniform”, but that’s partially just because I think Welling looked pretty hot in it.

Where were they hiding this one?

The right words! I felt insulted by that “conflict”. That and Jay just hanging out.... I'm disappointed in the season.

The staff is having a hard time putting into words what a goober Barry was with Patty this week.

Speaking of The Flash, what happened to this week’s recap?

Fallen Arches... Fallen Archers... I get it.

I remember the plot of the first one, but then the other 3 all blend together and can’t remember anything about which scene was in which movie. Couldn’t tell you the plot to any of the follow ups other than they were long and seemed to be a dead horse......

I’m with you on the SS trailer. I was decidely “meh” about it before but that trailer sold a couple of cinema tickets for me and Mrs Quint. Not so much WW though... still looks very Snyderish

Travolta Dog gets a pass.

He looks like he was struck by a bolt of lightning while eating Twizzlers.

Jason Mamoa really is the only person in the entire cast that knows how to scowl and not make it look like your constipated.

Also, it almost entirely consists of Batman and Superman being angry at things

I laughed like a crazy person at this scene.

Boomerang’s been MIA for a while, though, and hasn’t been teased as appearing any time soon (they really, really, really need to get Mirror Master going because there’s a massive hole in terms of frontline Rogues right now).

This image is oddly sexualized.... in a very very conflicting way..... It feels like Disney is just making their work more and more ready for sexualized Disney fan art.

I really, really hope that the post credits scene to Deadpool is a piss take of the MCU. Hell, I’d love it if it was just Deadpool watching the Iron Man “Avengers Initiative” scene on blu ray, absent mindedly wishing he could be a part of it

DC killed my father, and gave me these scars. I swore, that day, on my father’s body, that I would avenge him by killing DC. Fortunately, Zach Snyder and Dan Didio seem to be doing that for me.