
I like how E looks totally unimpressed.

I would LURVE to see Bothans, but I was limiting myself to races we’ve seen in the movies. We’ve heard of Bothans, but never saw any.

Which boys? Nuts to Punisher. He’s so one note he needs a samba. Hellcat has much more potential.

They should just stick to the special edition music number in Jabba’s palace aliens from here on out. That is some quality shit.

(I think Goodman is just groovin’ to the tune with non-sexual pelvic thrusts. But, y’know, I could be wrong!)

Uhh... Please be Cloverfield 2?

I would love to see a real live mammoth. But cloning one would involve putting an elephant, a highly intelligent social animal, through a nearly two year pregnancy with high risk to her and a great likelihood of failure. I just can’t support that.

“These findings are bringing more questions than answers,”

Let’s not forget this one; his portrayal of a ghost with ulterior motives that get revealed at the end while he haunts his girlfriend is one of the better films from the 1990s, and a great counterpoint to the whole “did villains only” rub given him...

After “Sense and Sensibility” I looked for anything else he’d done. I watched “Truly, Madly, Deeply” on a VHS borrowed from my college library and it cemented my crush.

Hush! His hot Earl Gray Tea will keep him alive forever.

He really was the only reason that Robin Hood was watchable. And he KILLED it. So campy. On one hand he’s so comically inept and incompetent you knew he’d lose. But he also was vicious and had power.

I am wondering how they will bring Ned Stark back, unless its a flashback

My uncle (65), Davie Bowie (69) and now Alan Rickman (69) all in the same week with cancer.

He’s somewhere sitting on a beach, earning 20%.

I like the idea of them doing a bunch of short series of minor DC characters all in a shared Universe. That could be easier to maintain longterm than a saturation of series no one wants to watch more than 6 episodes of.

It’s in everybody’s mind.