
I woudn’t mind being the stuck with Kristen Schaal. Smart, funny, and oddly cute!

My boyfriend’s mother once said to me, and I quote, “I love that you wear sleeveless dresses even though you have huge upper arms. I wish I were that brave.”

please make it so

Yay! Rutina Wesley! She was awesome in this episode.

If the writing is good enough, you should never have to pause a show and work through the names and work through the plot. Season 1, the audience didn’t need a crib sheet to keep up with the show. Season 2 has been terrible.

About halfway through my wife paused the show and we had to run through all the names and work out the plot. It was a bit conviluted but it was nice for it to finally get interesting.

Seriously! You’re willing to use that flashback wig every season but you can’t find a way to do the classic goatee just once? Boooooo

Boo, Arrow, boo! Goatee! Goatee!

i bet hanky panky went on in that paddy wagon.. look at their posture. LOOGADDIT!

I’m having a great time imagining what David Attenborough would say digging through his yard, and in his voice no less;

This is my fav posting yet - you managed to tie in one of my most favorite people (Attenborough) into a creepy true crime story! Awesome!

You’re telling me that season one of R&M was tame and this season is going to be more crazy!? I’m in!!

I love Merritt Wever to pieces on Nurse Jackie, this will be quite a switch for her. Looking forward to seeing her on TWD.

It’s a mallard. They gave it the markings of a mallard duck.

I was totally baffled by the site leaders’ graves being 400 years old until I realized the article is about Jamestown, not Jonestown. I almost had a conspiracy theorection!

“I am Felix, the dark knight cat.”

At least the drawn-out drama involving Ray’s son, which was really starting to wear thin, was resolved in episode six.

This is gold Jerry! Gold!

Underneath it all, you’re probably a nice guy else you would not have beat those rape and paternity raps and so on.”