
I’ve got that beat. I have an exclusive picture of Ezra Miller in action wearing the new Flash costume

Hey! Hey you guys! I found an exclusive new picture of Wolverine’s new costume:

I saw the Labyrinth when I was 6 years old, and was instantly mind-blown by David Bowie's portrayal of Jareth. He was and is mesmerizing.

I am still sad that show went off the air. I am a scientist for a drug company, and nothing has ever been as funny as that show.

I do too. It’s made me laugh every week and I don’t understand all the hate. I assumed it was just because it’s different from typical Muppets stuff.

Me too. Then again, I always thought Uncle Deadly was criminally underrated until now.

Just the two of us.

You know, I hated the pilot of the Muppets, but a couple weeks ago I watched another episode, and apparently it doesn’t suck now.

Of this I am aware, hence my use of the verb phrase “picking up”! Also:

My wife (still feels weird to say it) and I just got back last night from a three week long honeymoon. We went to Copenhagen, Passau, Berlin, and Budapest.


Bear’s just gonna waive instead

Jewel Staite has been cast as Rachel Turner, an inventor...

Rumors of a Star Wars spinoff movie focusing on the adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope

I would have liked to have seen Garrisons as an account-wide feature. Give me access to a variety of buildings but every toon logs in to the same Garrison. That would have made resource gathering less of a chore and my choices seem more meaningful.