I can’t even understand the concept of doing half a chore. Either I am going to finish the fucking thing, or I completely forget to do it in the first place.
I can’t even understand the concept of doing half a chore. Either I am going to finish the fucking thing, or I completely forget to do it in the first place.
“Gentleman caller.” Perfect! I ran with “boytoy” for a while. Not quite as classy. Heh.
That he exists.
I don’t know why I read these because I have no idea what any of it meant.
Did you ever play Kingdom of Loathing? It doesn’t have the cutsie games, but I wasted a good year mucking about there.
Ahhh, I used to play on NeoPets ALL THE TIME. Now I can’t even remember what my creature’s name was, let alone what kind it was. And I used to spend so much damn time trying to get those colorful, fucking eggs. And didn’t they have a house you could build? And like little pets of their own or something?
Shit. I think…
S’cause they are!
OMG. I have that too! I call it my goofy tooth. It’s friendly.
I love that I am getting loves despite my perpetual grey status! Yay validation! lol
How does this work, exactly? I would consider donating a kidney, but I don’t have the money to pay for the surgery or hospital stay. Are there organizations that would fund a kidney donation?
The hottest guy I ever frequently banged was also the NICEST. FUCKING. PERSON. (Aside from my soon-to-be-hubby, of course.) I am not sure that goes for every hot guy out there, but dang. I wish that dude nothing but the best.
All these poofy lip posts are giving me a ladyboner. I didn’t even know I had a thing for lips!
I just cackled out loud. Thanks for that. As if my coworkers need any more proof that I am a weirdo.
What about that sexy V thing in the groinal region? Fuck me, that is where it is at!