
OMG. I have that too! I call it my goofy tooth. It’s friendly.

I love that I am getting loves despite my perpetual grey status! Yay validation! lol


Very classy! I need this dress!

How does this work, exactly? I would consider donating a kidney, but I don’t have the money to pay for the surgery or hospital stay. Are there organizations that would fund a kidney donation?

The hottest guy I ever frequently banged was also the NICEST. FUCKING. PERSON. (Aside from my soon-to-be-hubby, of course.) I am not sure that goes for every hot guy out there, but dang. I wish that dude nothing but the best.

All these poofy lip posts are giving me a ladyboner. I didn’t even know I had a thing for lips!

This pic just made my fucking day!

I just cackled out loud. Thanks for that. As if my coworkers need any more proof that I am a weirdo.

What about that sexy V thing in the groinal region? Fuck me, that is where it is at!

She actually looks kind of bummed that she can't sit on it.

What a sad collection. :( I would be heartbroken to have been looking forward to Target's new line only to have received this! I'm no size zero, but I don't have to be insulted by what stores have to offer in plus sizes. I can usually find something cute and affordable. I guess that is what kills me the most. You can

Can we please have a call for stories about relentless pursuers? It seems like everyone has at least ONE story of this nonsense. I know I have a couple.


That asshole printing company!

I may need help picking my jaw up off the floor.

I can't tell if you mean that picture to be gross or delicious. But I think it looks delicious.

And, yes, I am from the Widwest. But I also like my steaks medium-rare!

I am totes giggling over here. This story is delightful.

I haven't gotten this in a while. Next time it happens I'm gonna glare at them and yell "MY DAD JUST DIED, YOU ASSHOLE."

My dead dad would totally approve.

That is the mating cry of the man-baby: "STOP BEING SEXY AT ME IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO BONE YOU!"

UGHHHH. Those dudes are THE WORST.