As someone responded to me - it’s kind of like when white people say they’ve experienced racism. It is literally not possible. Words have meaning.
As someone responded to me - it’s kind of like when white people say they’ve experienced racism. It is literally not possible. Words have meaning.
I cannot star this enough! It should be the top comment and final word on this argument.
You said this all so much better than I was able to!
Possibly, but words have meaning.
Thank you. And as I just responded to another post - postpartum is a reference to a woman’s physical/mental condition after having giving birth. Men can literally not be postpartum.
Postpartum literally refers to the mother’s body after delivering a child. Just as a child is postnatal. Men cannot physically have postpartum.
It may be real but its not “postpartum depression.” It’s a normal human reaction to a life-changing event. I’m not comfortable with men co-opting a condition that is truly not something they will ever understand.
I would love to see his medical records that show he had a fluctuation of hormones. Unfortunately, we will never see those because he would have to release those to comply with HIPAA regulations. I’m betting 1000 to 1 he is unwilling to do that. And that’s fair, but don’t tell me you have an affliction if you can’t…
Thank you for your kind response. I’m at a good place where my employer knows my condition and accommodates me, and my kids are really very stable and successful.
I could rest on my laurels about them, but as a mother, you can never stop worrying. And I think that’s pretty normal.
Well let me womansplain to you. There is no way in fucking hell that any man can comprehend what women to through with, their bodies, their health, their mobility, their pain, their hormonal hurricane, their ability to earn a paycheck, and more - all due to pregnancy.
So please, have every chair left before you try to…
This comment is making me get all in my head. I have anxiety and depression already, but when I was pregnant, I felt great - and I loved being a mother! But now kids are adults and I still have these thoughts about what the most awful thing that could happen to them.
I’m not sure what I would expect you to respond to…
I’ll start this by saying I did not read this Q&A, so I don’t know anything about what this guy said.
Having said that, your comment pretty much sums up what I expected from it (and I read a lot of your comments, so I trust your judgment).
Everybody experiences a time to adjust to life-changing situations - a…
I’m sorry you don’t recognize that not all women have the same reaction to every situation. And if you don’t think that (older) men use their power as lure for (younger) women, you are extremely naive.
I get it. It makes me angry to that women fall for this shit, but pretending it doesn’t happen, and that everyone has…
In fact, many of those men use that as a lure.
I work for the state (of Oregon), and am blown away by some of my co-workers cognitive dissonance! (fortunately in Portland, not a whole lot of them are republicans)
Racist teacher. You are both correct!
Goddammit! I have a ridiculous addiction to reality tv shows - I just can’t help myself!
I just posted something similar!
I agree with this sentiment, but Wildfang is pretty fucking badass (in the real way).
It makes me feel better.