
Amen to that. Baby blogs were not a thing - thank you jesus.

Haha! I had to work with a public health nurse about the proper bleach dilution for daycare. There is nobody more sanctimonious than a public health nurse!

Self-centered person like you? I doubt it.

I have two grown children, a tubal ligation, and too old to get pregnant.
I had the same reaction.

And now we will circle back to my original comment. You sound insufferable.

That doesn’t answer my question.

Keep on Truckin’ Fuckninja! (that’s old lady talk)

No, I only smoke pot, and I don’t smoke at work.
I also am a bike-commuter and regularly inhale fumes from all of the vehicles around me.
How do you get to work? Are you without fault in the smelliness of our environment? If so, I’d love to know how you manage that. If not, kindly STFU.

GAWD, you sound like my tiresome co-worker. Quit policing everyone else, and worry about your damn self!

Big Stoned Grin going your way.

It’s pretty well-written, in my stoned woman brain.

Thank you!

You do have that white guy, short haircut that I would be weary of...

Weed has never gone out of style in my world. Coke* - absolutely! Weed - everlasting.

I’m a woman who’s smoked weed for nearly 40 years now. I’m no exemplar of society, but I’m a college graduate, mother of two successful sons, civil servant of 20 years, happily married homeowner.

Any young nieces or nephews?

Lucky kids! /s

It’s just an unholy mix of ugh.

I had a similar take - either Goldblum’s senile or he’s trying too hard to be hip.

This is the best comment.