I think Jeff is getting senile. Or he’s jumping on the twee baby name train to seem hip. Either way - I won’t hold it against the kids.
I think Jeff is getting senile. Or he’s jumping on the twee baby name train to seem hip. Either way - I won’t hold it against the kids.
I’m old, so I can be ageist. What the Fuck is Great Grandpa Goldblum doing having babies!?!? He’ll be doddering by the time they reach their teen years.
They’re all greedy assholes. (Jenner, Simpson, Kardashian)
She even gave it a little shoo-away wave. How dare that elephant!
She didn’t even flinch when that elephant came back for more. Like a Queen!
As the kids say, “why not both?”
I’m sure we will.
Those are all good points, but perhaps if they weren’t inept at scheduling this wouldn’t have had to happen at all.
To add insult to injury, they can put you on a travel ban if they don’t like the way you are behaving. I can’t imagine how this would play out with me, because I would lose my shit.
I have anxiety that becomes more severe in groups of people in tight spaces, so travel is hell (vodka and ativan usually get me through). I’ve broken down in tears more than once in an airport. If this happened to me I would likely have a full-on panic attack with rapid breathing, crying, shaking, etc. And if anyone…
I don’t know if the self-selecting group that goes to Coachella could appreciate her.
I did too, but I was always considered the weird kid who likes weird music.
I was an american kid when in the 80's and it was the same then. (unless you were in NYC)
Why the fuck would Kate Bush want to do Coachella?!
I like your style!
The problem is, the lid doesn’t close when it gets all mucked up with toothpaste, thus it falls over and leaks. (for the record, I’ve used this toothpaste and not had a problem)
I am all the way with you. I come from a family of cynical jokers. (better laugh than cry, even if it is a bitter angry laugh)
Jeez, the responses you are getting?!? Times like this, I really miss Gawker.
Thanks Pat!