
I’m also listening to this amazing music!

I’m drinking up on that fuckit, believe me.

You are living the dream. I went to Urgent Care for pinkeye, and I’ve been trying to shade my eyes from that (elusive) Portland sun.


My argument was that at his age he may not have been as grown and mature as he should have been.

That face sums it up for me. (I’m in Portland, Seattle’s little sister)

I think there’s a difference between questioning the victim and putting things into perspective. I had the same thought when I read this.

Oh shit!

I agree. They should’ve left her with the monkeys.

It’s not the what it’s the how.

I’m 51, and thinking about doing the same!

I’m exhausted by this madness.

I didn’t get diagnosed with depression until I was in my early 30's, and finally got the ADD diagnosis just recently at age 50. There are so many things in my life that I look back on and think - “Oh, that makes sense now!”
I think my Mom always knew I was depressed, but she didn’t understand it was an actual

You just know Whitney smells like stale cigarettes, coke breath, with a healthy dose of some kind of expensive stinky cologne.


I agree completely with everything you said.

Sadly, it’s probably the latter. Most of these assholes don’t believe in mental health as a disability, it’s just a weakness that you can cure by taking more walks, “faking it ‘til you make it, or just plain suck it up. I’ve experienced that from my own (very supportive overall) family. It’s a serious mind fuck when

I’m so sorry you have to deal with that - losing access to my medication is one of my biggest fears. I am horrified at these people and their apparent disdain for anyone other than them and theirs. I really hope everything works out, but it’s so hard to be optimistic about anything.

I just had my first period in about 5 months (c’mon menopause!), and it is excruciating! I had to bum a flexeril from a co-worker.

My doctor cut off my vicodin when she found out I smoked pot. Thank God I’m menopausal - I regularly had to take time off from work due to debilitating pain due to cramps.