You’re brilliant! Why didn’t I think of the overturned wastebasket? I’ve been eyeing the squatty potty, but I have short legs and don’t know if it would be sufficient.
You’re brilliant! Why didn’t I think of the overturned wastebasket? I’ve been eyeing the squatty potty, but I have short legs and don’t know if it would be sufficient.
Right?! That sounds like a normal morning in my life.
I used to use epsom salts when I was an active bulimic.
I love black licorice, and am not a big fan of candy in general, but gummies are truly addictive to me!
I have never tried fruit salad, but based on your solid take on grapefruit, I’m going to have to check them out.
Genius. Gummies are my go-to munchies, this would save me a step!
Well, I’ve mellowed in my older age, but when I was younger I had some pretty radical notions of how to counterprotest (like dressing in black, camoflauging my bike, and riding by and spraying them with red dye from a squirt gun), so they probably wouldn’t have welcomed me.
Interesting! I’m going to have to check that out.
I salute your effort, but PP doesn’t really encourage sign-carriers of any kind at their clinics. It’s traumatic for patients, whether or not you’re on their side.
Off topic, but I was just reading through this thread so pleased that nobody had responded to Loco Jones, and then I noticed your name. Well played!
God damn it. It was fake. I just got so danged excited! (thanks for the star, acorn, sorry if I got your hopes up)
That market economy can be a bitch!
Yeah, but they are being exterminated. So maybe have a little compassion.
If only I had more stars to give!
bwaahahahahaahahaa! I can’t tell if you’re truly stupid, or you’re trolling the OP. “humans aren’t animals!” bwahahahahaahahahahahhhaa
I love you.
I can’t imagine doing that to your child. I had a teenage son who was borderline suicidal in HS, and it was the scariest time of my life. To contribute to that is incomprehensible.
I’ve read through the responses, and I still agree with the OP.
Just wanted to be supportive!