Thank you for this! Something about this whole thing seemed “off” to me, and you expressed exactly why. I can’t believe the lack of support your getting from a “feminist” website. (actually, I can, but it’s still disappointing)
Thank you for this! Something about this whole thing seemed “off” to me, and you expressed exactly why. I can’t believe the lack of support your getting from a “feminist” website. (actually, I can, but it’s still disappointing)
I totally get what you’re saying, and of course you are right. It was from my own personal perspective. I’ve had many very natural sex sessions where we just did what we wanted without asking, but if anyone ever was uncomfortable with something, the other would speak up, and then it would end.
Hmmm, must do research...
OMG, I love almost all bugs, but centipedes and millipedes freak me the fuck out!
Nevermind. It’s been explained to me.
Yeah, that was a bizarre statement.
YES!!!! This is the best news I’ve heard for a long while!
But Tammy Faye actually turned out alright.
Yeah, after I posted that, I reconsidered. What is it with crazy religions and sexuality? (that was a redundant question)
It sounds like Scientology with a weird sexual hang-up.
When is the last time you saw a phonebooth?
Well, that’s disappointing to hear. I was a big fan.
That last line resonated with me!
Fuck. This. Shit.
I was kind of joking because I’m from the midwest and am used to real snowstorms. Here, if a couple of flakes start falling, everyone runs to the grocery store to stock up for “Stormageddon” and the city becomes paralyzed.
Yes! Oregon, we’ve had more snow than ever this year. We actually had snow that stayed for three whole days! The city shut down completely.
You know that corny saying about letting a bird go? I think it applies here.
I just did a walk around my yard yesterday to see what’s coming up - peonies, irises, tulips, and pansies! (this is totally normal timing for where I live - Portand)