
Well, we discuss it with each other, and the people that we are considering inviting to join us, but that does not include friends, families or co-workers! Although my secret fear is that I’ll run into a co-worker on our quest...

I’m a little shy for that, but I will say he’s beginning to refer to his penis as his “big clit.”


Oh, and a critical detail - we are doing this as we are searching for a third to invite into our relationship, which I realize is painfully common and fairly vanilla, but it’s not something either of us ever thought we would want to explore. And not something my husband wants me to discuss with others.

I believe there are many exceptions to my story, but my main takeaway is that people tend to trust these guys (?!) based on their clean looks, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they had more freaky dangerous pervs in their population than in others that are often targeted or perceived to be dangerous and pervy.

Now I’m craving schwarma.

It is for me too, but my husband asked me to abstain. It’s been fucking hard! (again, no pun intended)

I guess you read my first statement and closed your mind immediately. I qualified that statement, and I stand by it.

OMFG - the earlobes! I am an earlobe FREAK!

Kindred spirit. I just responded to another post about how lucky I am that my husband loves exploring and discovering all the lovely things he can do to make me orgasm.

Stop fucking asking! Sex should be organic. And consensual, but that doesn’t mean you have to get oral (no pun intended) permission to make a move.

And old white guys in suits who make a lot of money are the weirdest freaks you’ll ever run into. Be very afraid.


I was just about to come here to humblebrag (not really, but that’s exactly how it would’ve sounded so I didn’t) about how lucky I am that my husband and I have taken on a new hobby lately where he’s learning all of the special things he can do to me and the different effects they have. We’ve been married less than 2


Thank you so much for the work you do! I’ve done it in the past and it is maddening/gratifying/horrifying all at the same time.

Please do it! I may be able to do the same.

(you’re fucking good)

Yeah, nobody would have showed up if I didn’t offer booze. It was a pretty “alternative” baby shower overall. Lots of black and tattoos (1989).

I’ll buy that!