
Right!? I’m too old to get invited to baby showers anymore, but if I could have exercised this option when I was younger I would have!

Sorry, an abortion won’t get you in that club. I don’t like going to baby showers, but it certainly has nothing to do with my abortion... That was just a huge relief!

I was going through a big beet kvass binge, and I was obsessed with the pickly beet flavor, which made me think that beetpickles would be awesome!

It’s like your in my head. Eerie.

Oh great, now mekki is going to get very similar messages from beetpickles and picklesandbeets.

That would be, but that’s not what happened here.

I starred this when I read your first sentence, but then I unstarred it when I read the rest. She clearly stated she did not, and does not, get paid to wear anything.

Exactly! Republicans are scared people are going to act the way they do. Little do they know, most people have some common decency and compassion for other living things.

Ridiculous - it’s the conservatives that love their guns! These people just want you to be accountable dumbass! But we all know that he knows that, and this is just a transparent cover.

I got it right away. I thought it was terrifically obvious as sarcasm.

I said before, that’s the reason Milo got cut - too close to home.

I suspect this was the reason Milo got cut as well.

I’m so sorry to hear about your friend, and it breaks my heart that so many people’s journeys end tragically. My sister worries about my niece all the time, my niece’s counselor doesn’t think she’s really at risk, but it’s still scary.

Your post was just the antidote I needed for this horrid story! I’m glad it sounds like you’ve had a positive experience at work, and thanks for all the good info.

I have a niece who is currently transitioning at a 13, and it is extremely difficult! She has a supportive and involved family, her school is extremely welcoming, and she’s still sometimes suicidal.

Hey that kid won the fucking parental gold run as far as money and privilege goes, so I think he’ll survive some animosity that he’ll never likely know about.

I agree, but he also referred to a blowjob as a “hollywood handshake” so I think he’s pretty open to whatever. I’ve actually come to really like him this season (except for that ridiculous hair!).

These scumbags actually prey on little boys too.

I just googled 5 times!

I get the feeling this is just a little too close to home for many of them. They don’t mind if he says what they’re thinking, but they know this is too far - they don’t necessarily disagree.