
My mom always said if you don’t want your children to be molested, don’t let them play sports, join church youth groups, or be unsupervised at family reunions.

Anything is plausible at this point!

Damn it, you had to rain on my parade.

Thank you!

She makes a perfect Bannon.


No, this is an actual dialect some kids use - when my son was growing up, I had to correct his “mushmouth” all the time!

This is totally off-topic, but as a 50 year old, I’m cracking up about all the old lady jokes this post is receiving!

As a pasty white girl with freckles, that’s been a hard lesson to learn. Thank goodness I haven’t gotten melanoma.


Bath bomb with a toy inside -mix my fruit, baby!

This keeps showing up on my facebook.

This ad has been popping up on my facebook, and I thought of this post immediately.

The definition of parents is mother and father, so it is a singular noun that refers to plural people.

Loved it!

Haha! I just responded to stilljustachick that my boss made us read that for work.

My (ex) boss made us all read it for work. He was an asshole.

I’m no speech pathologist (but I studied it in college), but I am a mother of two boys, and that’s what I call “mushmouth.”
It’s like they’re too lazy to use their mouths to enunciate - no matter how much you correct them! And they actually have some interesting thoughts, if only you could understand them.

don’t get me started about balls and my mouth...

I sometimes say it. But I’m a 50 year old white lady.