
It is indeed a miserable gray place, where 95% of the population is depressed. Please keep spreading that news.

We also have lots of water.

I’m okay with that. It’s better than the USA’s ballsack.

I live in Oregon, and I support a secession of the western states (OR, WA, CA) to form Pacifica.
If that doesn’t work, I’d like Canada to adopt us as Canada’s ballsack (look at the geography).

People keep mentioning this - I say let’s make it happen!

Love that.

God dang it - nothing like talking about your work in public education with bad grammar.

I do not work in the educational system, but I have in the past. And I know it sounds corny, but its the toughest job I’ve ever loved. One of the best things about the US, imo, is public education. How can we not prosper with an educated (and healthy, but that’s another discussion) population?

How long does gonorrhea last if it doesn’t have a warm host?

Can’t star this enough. Solid advice.

and it makes sense -day/month/year, smallest to biggest.

Ouch, my head.

I know all the words, they just don’t make sense the way they’re arranged.

He conveniently got out and walked in front of his hotel - his employees I’m sure were required to go out and show support.

Thank you for the alert - this is hilarious! “Let’s break down the walls that divide us.”

This is everything. It was also the final straw for my husband, who broke down in tears.

50% romantic, 50% erotic. Depending on your taste.

This is similar to my experience. My husband is not book smart, but he is basically an untrained engineer. He was born in the US, but in a very small, agricultural town in Oregon. He referred to himself as a hayseed when I met him. But he is the most open-minded, creative, thoughtful person I have ever met. He came

I get most of my books from the lending library at work, and the little libraries on my way home. It’s interesting to see how the seven basic plots play out in a lot of cheesy genres.

Hugs from an internet stranger - but they’re heartfelt.