
Don’t let them in!

I read about 4 books a week. But there is absolutely no literary value to about 99% of what I read.

You are a national treasure! (did you used to go by JamesfromCambridge or something like that?)

I’m getting better at recognizing him, but I still responded before I figured it out.

Dammit, I just googled Grushkova - it is a tomato.

How the heck does that guy look like John Lewis to you? Simply because he’s a black male? You sound kinda racist with that statement.

Hey, did you hear the good news? Portlandia is on its last season!

Judging from his tweets, he does not like that attention. And that, In my mind, is enough reason to keep them going!

My son was born with hair at least 2 inches long. There’s even an old wives tale about having more heartburn if you have a baby with lots of hair. It’s fairly common.

I wasn’t worried about my baby being mixed up, but I just wanted to keep them with me. Clean them up, swaddle them and return them to my arms.

This is exactly what a newborn baby looks like. Not all newborn babies, because we all don’t look alike. But the swollen face and fuzzy hair are a dead giveaway.

I’m responding to you, because I’m not sure where else to post.
Why the fuck is anybody responding to NotEnoughDayDrinking?! Do not let the troll take over this thread!

Oh man, do I sound like an idiot?

I know I shouldn’t respond to trolls, but do you actually know anything about his district? (clearly, you, nor Trump, do not)

One good thing about this story is that I learned about that series.

I agree, I’m in Portland and have never heard anyone from here say that. But people do say it.

Ugh. I don’t know why these things surprise me anymore.

Is that real?

I don’t know who that is, or what the song is, but that clip tickled my funny bone!

Yes they do, as annoying as it is.