
The finger thing can mean a lot more than taxes.

Finale wasn't TERRIBLE. It just… wasn't great.

It definitely feels like a Funny or Die sketch idea that went too far.

Really? I've never seen it, but I got the impression it was a cult following just one step below Community. Well, two steps.

Boy, this week is taking a while, isn't it?

I mean, it's not like there's an elaborate feudal infrastructure in place, here. You've generally got a monarch, and a bunch of guards, a castle, and a town that's nearby the castle.

OK but what about how comic Link is apparently purple for some reason?

I once played a text adventure game where you were a guy on a reality show, who got turned into a woman and drugged with hypnotics and aphrodisiacs, and the point of the game was that you had to try to keep drugging and sabotaging the other contestants, while dodging or mitigating their attacks on you.

This was an actual ending on an all-male episode of that MTV sating show, "Next." All of the contestants in the bus decided they hated the main guy and just hooked up with each other, it was great.

Like, five minutes, or…?

You are an elitist snob. "High art," indeed.

OK, I'll admit, I chuckled at the "Do you have any reservations?" line.

Using a hashtag unironically: -5 points

I think I hate Linda for the same reason I hate the wife on King of the Hill- they're both people you would fucking hate in real life, but in the show the characters just act as if she's loveable and quirky.

True, although I don't think it fully gelled until Season Two.

A quick sidenote: I really couldn't care less about the show "always staying from Steven's perspective."

I definitely watched all of season 4, and I definitely completely forgot that little tidbit.

This is so weird. I used to be a huge fan of New Girl, and I'd mostly forgotten that it exists. Um. I guess I'll go back and catch up? I feel like Season 4 ended ages ago.

Dude, later-season Sabrina got really silly after a while.

Did you see it in IMAX 3D? It was the first movie I've seen where the movie actually had depth, as opposed to just a bit of tilt shift and things reaching out of the screen towards you.