
Also they were guest judges on Top Chef that one time

I can't see it at all, you win!

Yes? I know? That was the joke? Trump is America's fault, but at least here, here is something that is not.

The silver lining to this is that the international markets are where these movies do really well, which means it's not America's fault.

Sometimes I feel guilty for having zero interest in any and all ape-related media

Wouldn't you want to be Nancy? Nancy was just as nerdy as Barb, except she enjoyed sex and was cool enough to want to kill monsters.

Um, Seventeen? That's a magazine for HARLOTS, and Barb doesn't approve of such things.

That's like saying you can't enjoy a book because you saw the movie version of it.

Thanks for telling me about Shrek

Haha aww, Voat.

This seems like a weird thing to have an AV club article about

So, did this show ever get good? I loved the pilot, and then each episode after that was steadily worse. Forte's character became increasingly unlikable, while Shaal's character was so annoying that it made me actively cheer for her death.

"The law of averages suggests that the more jokes a comedy makes, the fewer laughs each individual goof will get"

That's the other thing that annoyed me, although I didn't bring it up. It uses the "kids are magic and fix everything" cliche.

"Barney's nature?"

Which makes it worse! Barney matured a ton over the course of the show, and then was apparently married for three years, and then at the drop of a hat, reverted back to Season One Barney. Not only is that not really how people work, it was both boring and insulting.

It didn't feel honest or natural at all, to me. Barney was a character who had gone through tremendous maturation from season 1. He was a joke character in the beginning, and was more or less a 3 dimensional character by the end.

Still- Barney's character was basically reset. Just kind of sad, and lame.

Was it "wretched?" I just thought of it more as "bland." Which is a shame, since I thought he and the movie were actually pretty entertaining. His voice just sounded like a TV announcer or something, though.

It's nothing to do with "class prejudice." The characters have never had much of a believable romance in the books, and Harry and Hermione have even more chemistry in the movies.