
Not really about restitution. It's moreā€¦ what makes "Bond" Bond? You can have a Scottish Bond. You can have a Bond with whatever eye color you like. You can have a Bond with gadgets, or you can have a Bond who doesn't need anything more than a gun.

I think that's what I was thinking of. Mostly the internet peanut gallery's reaction, "WHAT! JAMES BOND IS WHITTTE!"

Hmm. I don't actually think he's wrong. James Bond is very much a male role- "women want him, men want to be him," etc.

Community doesn't need another season. It ended really well.

I would totally watch a DnD movie that Vin had a part in producing. Dude's a hardcore roleplayer, I trust that he'd do something interesting with it.

Hah, that's not how humans work. We try everything.

80s movie, tits wasn't an automatic R. It was a glorious age.

Zzz. I appreciate the sentiment, but the only reason I would pay any attention to Connie Britton is because of her hair.

I'm really curious what parts written for women in their 50s she's gotten.

Agreed- the article wasn't clever, it was just "Hurr hurr, look at those people who sometimes eat McDonald's"

You know, Barsanti, maybe put down the disaffected hipster ennui for a minute, and allow some joy to enter your life.

To be fair, I've wanted to murder Kristen Schaal in every role I've ever seen her in.

Ah yes, the guy whose specialty was mapping out caves, who got lost in a cave, and the guy whose specialty was exotic life forms, who immediately touched the alien black goop he found.

Meh, as much as I love R&M, it doesn't stand up to this type of analysis, not yet. Rick is a "scientist," but really he's just a grumpy old wizard. We don't see him doing experiments, or trying to learn new things- every episode is generally about him ALREADY knowing stuff.

Maybe instead of almost being crushed by a giant wagon wheel, this time the protagonists could step on a rake so it flips up and THWACKS them right on the chin!

Oh wow, I completely forgot that this ever existed.

I gotta say, your review made me want to see this more than the "B" would suggest.

The entire plot, exactly the same, except they're all 40 and work in an office building.

Sometimes I feel bad when I think about how many words I read that are about things that don't matter.

I feel like this was just a ploy to get me to click on "Read Next Page" 5 times. I mean, it worked, but I didn't feel good about it.