
I’ll start worrying about Obama’s accountability, when the GOP starts worrying about all the times they stopped him from fixing stuff.

I can’t blame a fireman for not putting out a fire when the town wouldn’t buy him a firetruck. Which is basically the only explanatory analogy anyone needs for Benghazi, but for some

Not sure why these didn’t catch on:

Not true. “Wow, I can’t believe you didn’t flake on the performance” will always be appropriate at a Lauryn Hill show.

Legally Bland

But why swerve? Just brake for crying out loud. You wouldn’t, er, the car wouldn’t need to choose between frustrated murder or multiple murder. It’s more than capable of seeing what’s ahead. Just brake in time, don’t turn in anywhere.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Yeah, all the subsequent reports say he is not a happy camper. Sucks that you hitched your wagon to the Orange Menace, but what else did you expect, Pence?

God, what I wouldn’t pay to have been in the Clinton campaign offices when this story broke today.

What would happen if a woman wore... flats?!?! Would the world implode?

That’s right — eating healthy vegetables is a partisan issue! *rolls eyes*

You should hear my Fox News obsessed parents sneer when I mention that my daughter’s school lunch offers fruit and veg every day. “Oh that’s Michelle Obama’s doing, no doubt.” Like how they’ve managed to criticize her for WANTING CHILDREN TO EAT WELL makes me fucking insane.

“Live Gun Demonstration”

Oh, please. It’s not like men don’t buy in to this either. Football for example is very much about the journey. Ever watch the run up to the draft? Jesus, nothing but sob stories. Ever see the press coverage about a player who has come back from injury? The in depth details about shoulder surgery for a quarterback or

You don’t have to like the results, but the hard metrics bear out the fact that a) women like the Olympics more than men b) women enjoy the emotional journey more than the actual result. If women wanted to just watch the races and nothing else, than NBC would give them that if that was what got ratings. TV executives

I’d say there’s been “a lot” of talk about violent revolution should Trump lose, but those same cowardly dumbasses also promised the same fucking thing in ‘08 and ‘12.

This story is exactly the kind of thing that will give him a huge bump in the polls. They like him because he’s a racist, sexist pig, not despite it. Also, I don’t know if you saw this but if there was any doubt that the only illegal immigration his supporters care about is if it’s a brown-skinned immigrant, check out

*shrug* I didn’t create 2000 year old cultural ideals. Sorry.

I think it’s fair that in our contemporary society, you would get that message.

I’m not going to argue the points with you.

I love that you wrote this- and called the list of the dead girls/women a hagiography.