Bee T. LeRace

Yeah honestly I think his response was pretty fair. If I were in a situation where I felt things were consensual, but my partner clearly didn't — I think I'd respond exactly as he did. Tough situation.

It's weird, I found the odd MDE video funny — but a lot of it was offensive purely for the sake of being offensive, and it was just lazy. Initially I assumed the guys were jewish and were making anti-semitic jokes ironically, but evidently that's not the case…

Too Many Cucks!

Man, this fucking sucks. The Adult Swim community is so similar to the gaming community in a lot of ways…


Agreed, she just strikes me as a career "bully sidekick".

These are fine and all, impressive even — but I don't go to drag queens for great cosplay. I have high hopes for a changed Phi Phi on All-Stars, since it seems she really took to heart the criticism leveled against her on her season, but I'm showing up mainly for Alaska, Adore, and Alyssa *tongue click* Edwards.

This is the first one I get people to watch too, AHHH man… masterpiece.

Are you a Space Ghost Coast to Coast fan? I feel like that correlates pretty well… I think the show is genius, but I'll admit it's best enjoyed high as fuck.

So much this.

Do they not consider how much additional money the franchise made BECAUSE it had female & black leads?! These guys are such profound idiots…

I wouldn't say they're bad either (not enough info to make that claim) — everyone is just a product of their genes and experiences, so I give the Averys a wide berth as far as "normal" behaviour is concerned, especially given I have no exposure to the mentality of people living under those circumstances.

Yeah, I mean… the whole Avery family is pretty creepy in general. I don't particularly like the family, they probably do a lot of inappropriate shit, and outside this I might not consider them 'decent' people, THAT BEING SAID —- despite the fact that I don't particularly like any of the Averys, it's clear that there

Yeah… Pretty fucking lame. He does not sound like he's very secure with his identity. Reminds me of my cousin who was always lying about how many fights he's won and how he has a collection of knives that are worth tons of money.

What a vile human being. That is evil incarnate. That guy.

That poor kid.

It's absurd how much motive, means & opportunity existed OUTSIDE Steven Avery. You might argue he has means and opportunity, but there is ZERO MOTIVE. I can't begin to understand that judge and his closing comments/sentencing… Makes my blood boil.

How utterly inexcusable that these other people weren't investigated… I'm heartbroken for Brendan and Steven.

I was also impressed with the questions asked by a lot of the journalists on film - they were clearly following the details of the case very closely, and seemed to have a far less biased and more acute BS-meter for comments made by the State in Avery's case.

Para 6 should read "belie" instead of "bely"… I think. I could be wrong but I'm posting anyway because of compulsions I am too tired to suppress.