Bee T. LeRace

I watched that ENTIRE MOVIE based on the fact that Showcase said it had mature content, including nudity. 15-year-old me held out until the final credits, hoping for somethingā€¦ ANYTHING.

This is all so sad and upsetting, but shit, I have never actually spit out coffee laughing before.

GAH! I completely agreeā€¦ that just killed me.

This is why I love it here.

Watch Nacho Libre! I re-watched it recently, and had the time of my life. It's hilarious, Jack Black's physical/facial humour is unreal, and MY GOD the movie's colouring is gorgeous.

The only similarities are eye colour and hair curl! Their faces couldn't be more different for two similarly-aged white women. Y'all got prosopagnosia or some shit.