
I thought it was very boring, which worries me because I felt the same about the last book. I've been a faithful reader since they first came out, but the latest books seem like all filler and no climax. And Sookie and Eric barely even have a relationship anymore - it's more boring than my own marriage. I thought

Ugh, they were like that on our house in Southern Arizona when I was a young girl. It became a game to try not to end up with 3 or 4 in your hair when leaving the house ***shudder*** (this was the '80's - Aqua Net hairspray worked as great cicada catchers, unfortunately). They also left behind their skins, so if you

I know! When I saw the header, I was like, "6 isn't a damn robot, what the hell?", but alas, 'twas a different 6. Our 6's will always be number 1 though!

A BSG reference and a Blossom reference...hmmmm, you are totally hearted for obviously being as much of a geek as I...;-)

Caprica Six, Head Six, Shelly Godfrey, Gina Inviere, all the 6's on radiation Caprica, Natalie 6, Bodies of 6's floating from the Resurrection Ship, virus-dead black-hair 6, 6 that was drowned by a Rebel on New Caprica, Pilot 6's, "Are You Alive" 6, Goo Helper 6's, Sonja 6, New Caprica 6's, and all the rest I can't

Yes, but in the case of a firing squad, the person being fired upon can't shoot back. In a raid such as this? It would be insane to give them blanks. Very important distinction, there. If your scenario were true, they might as well have given the soldiers Acme-brand dynamite too.

Pretty cool, but shouldn't there be an entrance on the outside of JC Penney? With a bunch of little green dots surrounding it of course.


Ahhh, got it.

I'm really not trying to pick here, but you hate the finale so much that there was a possibility that you would hate a performance of AAtW?

Sigh. I keep trying to promote you so people will see this, but it's not working right. Hopefully a mod will see it and promote. Awesome job, man.

I actually got a chance to ask him about that at a Con before Season 4 aired. He said he actually went back and redid some of the songs for the CD to intertwine AAtW throughout them. Pretty cool.

I can't believe I missed this post. Some fan I am. Everything's really already been said, but since when does that stop an internet commenter?

If Linda Hamilton's in, then I'm in. If Michael Biehn is in? I just might explode from Terminator-love scii-fi nerd orgasms of ecstasy. That little shit-knocker Furlong can stay far far away though.

Naw, compared to Arnold, he's a little girly-man. (Yes, I'm old)

Nope, nuh-uh. 2!

No, no, no, Margaret, you were absolutely correct. There are 2 Terminator movies. 2. I don't know where JennaW is getting her information but in my version of reality, there are only 2 Terminator movies.

I always thought that Fred had the most gruesome death in the Buffy/Angel verse with Illyria taking over her body. It was incredibly painful, she knew what was happening, and in the end her soul went nowhere. Every essence of her was just gone.

That is fucking horrifying.

@all: Damn you people are convincing. OK, I'll give it a go.