
Oh yeah, the love story did shit for me. Except as a clumsy device for Cameron to insert Rose and Jack into every historical scene so we could be in on it. I would have loved if he would have found a different (or at least written a better love story) framing device for the real story - the ship, its crew, and its


I do. I was a Titanic buff since I was a little girl (I'm 37 now) and at 22 the details of the ship and "seeing" the sinking was incredible to me. Saw it 3 times in the theaters, still watch the DVD, and will see in in 3-D. I will fully admit that it's my favorite movie.

They should sell them by the dozen right next to the real eggs every single day. It should be a law. I have been known to literally growl at my children if one goes missing.

"..Then she slams that sword right into his face and kills the shit out of him. Fuck YEAH!"

I love you so much for what you did here consider yourself stalked. XOXO

Oh, I know. Was just making a joke about Iron Man's ego, 'tis all.

So, Tony Stark's head is as large as The Hulk's ass? Bad art or a subtle nod to the problems with the size of Tony's ego?

Oh good, now I don't feel so alone. I loved The Host. It had some weak and meandering spots but it felt so original and completely different than her Twilight shit.

All other issues with Cavil aside, that was an amazing speech. Very Blade Runner-ish. Or the Agent in the Matrix.

If you're willing to pixelate the images into nothing discernible now, then why was it so fucking important to post them in the first place?

I have loved these since they first came out. I get compliments all the time and some don't believe me when I tell them you can get 'em at Wal-Mart. They actually last about 14 days on my nails with the only "chips" showing at my cuticle due to my nails growing.

He actually said that? So he took out a man's eye because he grew up with racism?! What a fucktard. Yeah, I'm sticking with Donnie. We can share! ;-)

Oh no, you're not weird. I admit to those kinds of daydreams too. Except I haven't spoken them aloud to other people as if they were in fact what would happen, ya know?

Oh Mark, just shut the fuck up. You have no right to judge any situation like that and how you'd react unless you've survived it. And guess what asshole? You weren't on the plane, so shut your flapping stupid gums.

I loved him in Demon Knight. His whole cowboy act was hilarious. "Yippie oh kie yah diddy fuck this" while whipping his cowboy hat off. Pretty hot too.

I bow to your douchey order - it's beautiful. Especially the no squiggles thing. Going the extra mile - I respect that. And the mental image you just gave me was hilarious - thank you!

YES!! They never put it on the menu but it's there. They'll try to claim you asked for hazelnut but don't let 'em fool you with the conspiracy! It's toffee nut syrup and it is fan-fucking-tastic.

I love those. The middle console of my car is stickier than a porn set from coffee slopping out everywhere. And of course every single shirt has a spot on it as well (YES, ON THE BOOB!). I always grab a couple, ya know, for emergencies.

NOOO! I'm enough of an addict. I would never leave the house. Probably end up all funky looking like the no-breast mermaid in the logo. My house would be like a crack den with coffee cups and those stopper-thingies flung about.