
Hmmm, your first paragraph sounds intriguing. I did not know that happened, thanks for the heads up.

I actually think Beer Bad is funny. When she hits Parker in the head, I cheered. I especially love how afraid the Scoobies were of her.

But...Season 4 had Hush. And the teeny tiny taunted fear demon. And Xander got the funny syphilis. Super Buffy at the end. The cheese guy!

That shot of Xander makes it an epic episode. Damn.

I love Buffy. I still think it was one of the best tv shows ever, it holds up well,'s Buffy. I own the series and even some cool "Graduation Day" Faith, Angel & Buffy toys that try to take on my Centurion action figure.

;-) That'd be me! That is really fucking cool that you remember that. You just made my night and made me feel all relevant. Thank you!

OMG, if I get that "comment save failed" notice again, I'm going to lose my damn mind. Trying again:

Hey, I posted that link over on io9 a few hours ago! I'm gonna go smirk a lot and tell my teenager that I am ahead of the times. Hrumph!

Check this before & after breakdown. I'm not a psychologist, but on a lot of meds, and boy does it look like that's what wrong with her. If so, I'm glad she's getting the meds she needs but I feel for her as I know how they can take your "spark" away. They should quit putting her up there like this, ya know?

@GummyTumor: I hope you love this as much as I did then:

Never thought I'd say this but I really miss when she used to dance. Does she understand that you dance with your legs and not just your arms?

Sigh. If there was an award for image fail, it would be my honor. Darn it, I used to be able to do this.

stupid image...

Good to see you again Craig! ;-) Hell I won't even drive behind those big trucks - I just know something's going to come out and pierce my chest one day. Since I live in San Antonio where A LOT of plane parts are driven down the highway, it'll probably be an airplane wing or one of those big-ass engines.

That was some cheesy goodness right there! Although I wish so many hadn't blown up. I mean if you're going to put a tree through someone's body and then out the back window, it kinda seems lazy to have the car blowing up cliche ;-)

WTF? 3 hours ago, it was BR at 68% and Serenity at 32%!

Oh, Esther, I see what you did there with that ice cream cone. I was just finally able to start seeing them again without going into convulsions.

Damn, that is some condescension right there. You do know you come across as a huge asshole, right? I know you don't care (as you said), but, damn. I'll be backing away now. Slowly so as not to startle you. Wow.

@storymark: From your very own fingers:

I'd hope so!