

OK - I take it back. Anne Heche DOES NOT get schmeared on my bagel.

Beautiful and interesting article, thank you! Love these types of posts on io9 - between the article and the comments section I always feel a bit smarter after reading.

So it seems like Harrison Ford is like the cream cheese ingredient in the Jezebel Cake vs. Pie tournament. For those who weren't in that one, it came down to red velvet cake (cream cheese icing) and cheesecake.

@storymark: So name calling is OK when you are doing it?

Isn't that what I said in my response to @Rhinostic?

Thank you for such graciousness!


@stalking_goat: You on the other hand can just leave me alone, OK? You already responded to someone passive-aggressively on another of my posts regarding "people" getting worked up. Please, if you dislike me that much, quit responding and I will thank whatever gods may be that you can't follow me. Quit answering if

@Jonas72: You're right, I apologize. I shouldn't have contributed to the name calling. I had a bad day and took it out here. If you look at my other comments in my couple of years as a member here, I've never acted like this before. I take back the moron comment and apologize to anybody I offended. And this is not

Oooh, I can't believe I forgot that one! Great catch - classic sci-fi TV right there.

I love how I'm getting these paragraph responses to my opinion on Serenity all telling me how I should and shouldn't think. Hypocrisy much?

Oh bite my ass and save your attempt at withering sarcasm. You just left a comment on another one of my comments stating that "People" were taking this far too seriously and now you want a dissertation? Are you kidding me? Go watch Serenity and I'll drop a tear in my beer. You're welcome!

Eh, it was worth a shot of hope. Why? Is there a scientific internet poll out there somewhere that I'm missing?

Why? So we can watch Firefly beat Fringe, BSG, Farscape, Star Trek The Next Generation, Sarah Conner Chronicles, etc.?

No, but if you voted Serenity over Terminator, then you're a sci-fi moron who votes based on fan favs and not the merit of the actual film as it relates to the sci-fi genre.

Serenity in the same class as Empire Strikes Back and Blade Runner? Bullshit. I'm a Whedon fan and Serenity was a great movie, but there is no way it deserves to be there. Whedonites strike again. Jesus Christ, Firefly may have been an awesome show, but it did not spawn the greatest sci-fi movie ever. I'm out of this

@tomsomething: Or you could file it under: "Research and facts that should be looked up before making psychological assumptions about society and insulting individuals who get irritated by MY cell phone use."

This is very confusing. A sci-fi show on Friday on Fox has been renewed? I HATE Fox, but I almost feel a twinge of...well, not respect, but grudging thanks.

And this thread has a winner.