
Why, more abortions of course! Our secret evil pro-choice agenda can get our group together, take some gay people and feminists along, and settle in middle America for a few months. During that time we will have tons of gay sex, preach equal rights for woman and abort! abort! abort!

Well, shit, now I want to get tons of abortions just to see how much it can fuck up the world. Abortion 2 - The Statue of Liberty falls over; Abortion 3 - it actually rains in South Texas; Abortion 4 - California falls into the sea; Abortion 5 - The Day After Tomorrow freeze occurs (but we can out-run that); Oooh,

It is just unimaginable that we can see this. Just pure fucking cool. This is the io9 I love!

I love the reference to muenster cheese right before the cheesiest part of the video. Holy hell, I was...wrong about her. It almost hurts to type that.

All and good for Chuckles, but doesn't Sheen & his ex-wife have twins? Kids that were put in danger during a domestic violence incident? Ya know, where he held a knife to her throat while she was holding them?

At first I thought it was referencing money - $100 bills. Then I remembered that I am so poor that I forgot Benjamin Franklin was on that bill. I haven't seen one in forever. I'll be sobbing in my bunk.

No love for algae coffee?

Even better. The mystery ingredient was...meat.

It's very, very creepy. Trust.

Then get ready to start punching! Sometimes I would get really surprised that actual strangers would come up and RUB me. Then I remembered that there are a lot of people out there who don't see you when you're pregnant. It's a baby, thus they feel they have the right. Kinda sounds a bit like the mentality of

@all: Thank you so much! It really made my day to come back here and see this! If I knew how to heart people anymore, I would heart you ALL.

I'm always afraid to say this 'cuz I'm not sure how the woman feels about her pregnancy, so are congratulations in order here? If so, CONGRATS!

Definitely not as bad as your experience, but we found the TV remote in the freezer after my second was born. It had been missing for 2 months!

Don't forget how many assholes come up and feel your stomach without permission when you start showing. "Oooh, your pregnant!" rub, rub, rub. Augh! stab, stab, stab

Oh man, I got that too. That's how I just knew about my 3rd surprise kid. I could smell everything. Weird thing is that my youngest is now 9 and the heightened sense of smell has not abated. If you want to find where the stinky smell is coming from, come to me. And perfume just about kills me now!

Heh. Of course this just now showed up in my replies, which makes your comment even better.

"so-called "FSD"

Sigh. Never mind.

Thanks for responding!

OK, so I might have missed it, but I can't promote comments anymore. I've seen other comments promoted - how are y'all doing it?