
@crosis101: As you wear the armour, I shall wear the scar:

@Arsnof: And snorting with laughter ensues. Thank you and hearted.

@AspasiaTheLayza: Oh man that is a great idea. Alas, I have no gif making skills. I'm very good at right-clicking and stealing them though! ;-)

So I am smoking a very nice bowl and watching Lady Gaga videos. This is what it feels like:

@jimdamico: My husband lived in Cocoa Beach his whole life and was around 12 when this happened. He said that the kids were always taken outside to watch the launches so they were all kind of bored that day and it took a bit for them to even realize what happened. After that, he watched every launch he could while

@TheFitz: Mine curls up into a ball in the corner now and refuses to let me near his back. I think he finally cracked when I felt one and popped it one handed during the sexings.

Since they've become neighbors, Lindsay Lohan has insisted on dressing Samantha Ronson every day.

@serenada: Thank you! I knew she looked familiar - it was driving me crazy!

Our most used is of course, "Frak", but also from my dear Buffy:

@mirrorball: Yes! That's my fave. You should see the look I get from my kids on that one.

Awww, I liked Rose. So sad. Was that the same actress that played Bella on Supernatural?

@Bodymovin: What was cool is that Stephan actually did make John drink his blood. Then he said he'd kill him so he'd turn into a vamp if he didn't leave town. I only remember this because it was a bad-ass move on Stephan's part.

@Rooo sez BISH PLZ: On the flip side, I once ate $20 worth of those yummy $1 chocolate bars. My Dad had to pay for them. heh.

@UmpteenthSarah: & @heytherefancypants: I was just reading down the thread and becoming dismayed that no one had mentioned Do-Di-Dos.

How in the fuck is he going on 4 day benders and not jumping off a damn roof? The come-down has to be horrendous. This man is clearly trying to commit suicide, I wonder what stops him from just doing it when he's high? Deep down he doesn't want to, maybe? Well, if he's sending out a cry for help, a suitcase full of

@beetlemier: derp! sorry about the duplicate post!

My daughter's applying to colleges and Arizona State just sent her a flier touting their alumni:

My daughter's applying to colleges and Arizona State just sent her a flier touting their alumni: