
Well, at least now they can explain where the pretty, pretty Lee came from, right?

@UnderLoK: @UnderLoK: If I'm not on an Exchange Server, will Touchdown still help?

@OmegaNemesis28: Awesome info, thank you so much! I think I might be getting an iPhone!

I really need your opinions, iPhone owners:

@Capt.Snarky: Sigh, I know. NOTHING could ever live up to Season 1 of BSG. Every single person that I showed "33" to got hooked immediately. Such brilliant work, unlike anything I'd ever seen before or have seen since. I miss it so damn much.

@chexmixitup: My husband and I are in the same boat. We've been married 12 years and are going through some severe turbulence. Our oldest is going off to college in the fall so I'm willing to work on it for a few more months for the sake of my younger kids but that's it. I refuse to stay in a shitty marriage just for

And stupid-ass SyFy gets me again. Adama, Vipers, strong female characters, and space battles?

@spacedcowgirl: And tell them to shut the fuck up because "Silence! It sounds great from you!"

@pinkkittie27: So I should put the razor down and quit trying to shave my eyelashes off?

@CraigJW: AUGH! How could I forget Ripley? My love for her knows no bounds (except forgetfulness, evidently!).

@Queenjulie: No thanks needed - it is totally my pleasure to post any pictures of my beloved Sarah Connor. Here's my fave:

@HidingInCanada: Your argument is so totally won and so awesomely bad-ass. Sigh. I miss Starbuck.

@eveywiechert: True. But the hope is that if women are offically in combat then they can go on to hold more leadership roles. A lot of the positions require combat experience. So since it's not technically combat experience, oops there's a big old glass ceiling.

@Citsatpans: Please don't apologize for TMI. These are the stories we need to hear against the stupid argument that women can't serve because of their periods. Not only are you forcing the "ewww gross" issue to be addressed with your honesty but most important? Did your period stop you from performing your survival

@astrogea: The crystal butterflies left?!?! Assholes.

@CraigJW: I'm trying to think of a witty comment but that's just such a sweet statement that I don't know what to say ;-) And I hearted you, so we are strangers no longer!