
I am a Pisces. Which means I am prone to dislike living in reality so I have decided to stay a dreamy, sensitive Pisces.

@Bobbie Timmons: Don't worry. I've somehow always dated (and married) Scorpios and that comment right there means you are most definitely a Scorpio. With all the passion and rage and....

@CraigJW: That is just pure shining brilliance. I may love you a bit right now.

These are just footie pajamas without the footies. Comfy socks don't count as footies!

@Momentary_Lapse: My favorite is the old woman who is having trouble sewing her curtains because she's holding up a full-size sewing machine on the curtains while they are still hanging on the rod. Slow down there, Grandma - you are most definitely doing it wrong.

@AnitaDrink: I read a long time ago that if someone licks you near the eye when they have a cold sore, you can get the same herpes virus (cold sore not genital, but still not much better..) in YOUR EYE!

@ptlsbntr: The couch cushions are always safe zones!

@nagumi: That is a beautiful sentiment. I wish I could heart you all over again.

Vick's vapor chest rub is meant to stay on your chest.

@Adam-H: A combination that is too often found together, huh? ;-)

@Edix: Nobody asked you to care. Which is good, amirite? You go ahead and stay in your dream world where everything is that easy and the rest of us can take up the caring about others part.

@Edix: Sigh. I know I should explain the fail in your comment, but I've already been all over this thread enough, so you're being vandermemed:

@nagumi: That's exactly what I hope it can do. I should've clarified like @Necoras did. I think it could be of great benefit to addicts who are geniunely trying to get clean.

@Jenn2D2: I speak only for myself, of course, but I've found that the cravings don't really bother me until I've already started using - does that make any sense? I'll want it, but can control buying it a bit by circumstances (i.e. I'm broke, deleting the dealer's number). Once I have it though, I want more - it's

@Xyberfaust: Addicition is the problem of the addict.

OK, time to move around my "List of Famous People Allowed to Have Sex With" to include Mr. Van Der Beek. Holy hell, he's gotten so hot! And a great sense of humor? Mmmmmm. Am I going to have to choose between Dawson and Pacey again?