
@aisuru113: Heh. You got that right. My 10 year old came home carrying on about how Columbus Day celebrated such a hero! He was so great! He discovered America and never ever did anything wrong!

@beetlemier: I got every one of my neighbors to say 'frak' all night! Score one for the BSG nerds. They were taking shots from my BSG shot-glass and I made them say it every time! HA.

I am very drunk. Anybody want to drunk talk?

@MadelBlue: Hmmmm, since fucks can be good or bad, I guess fuck would be the opposite of fuck? And the same? Now I'm all confuzzled. Or would that be confuckled? ;-) Either way you are hearted!

@eelleellee: I don't know about that. I took the pill at the clinic and the vaginal suppository part at home and didn't need to be seen after. I was just required to call in and confirm with the doctor that all had went OK and the bleeding was what it would normally be at that point.

@AnnieGetYourFun: OK, then I take my "fuck you" back. You paid for Tik-Tok - that's even worse than hearing it all year.

@MadelBlue: Fuck your parents. They don't deserve to have you. Speaking as the mother of a bi, if your parents disown you for your sexuality, they weren't good enough parents for you anyway.

@so much honey: Nobody's comparing their problems to the death and destruction that was suffered this year. We're just adding in why our 2010 sucked personally. So I guess that if horrible things happen all over the world, we're not allowed to complain at all about our puny and insignificant problems also?

@AnnieGetYourFun: You've been lucky enough to not to hear that fucking song all year? Fuck you, 'cuz I am crazy jealous that you didn't hear: "I BRUSH MY TEEF WITH A BOTTLE OF JACK" all fucking year.

@ldubs: "My dad sent me letters informing me that legal action was 'imminent' if I didn't pay him back for the food I ate as a child."

Fuck unemployment, bankruptcy, and trying to feed a family of 5.

@Jonas: I loved it as a kid because it was about the closest to mystery/horror that I could get. Yeah, I know not much mystery or horror considering it was the same villains and "sets" (always got a giggle when they would run past the same wall 15 times).

I got the Lost DVD set for Xmas and it didn't have any of the fun toys mentioned. I could've put them with my Cylon, Buffy, and Kurt Cobain*** figures. Stupid non-having Blu-Ray player sci-fi fan that I am. Hrumph.

@dave the wet sprocket: Damn, didn't see your reply. Sorry about that - I didn't have expand all discussions showing and I missed your comment.