
@Celladore: Didn't the tsunami in 2004 kill an estimated 150,000 people? I'm not a numbers/stats person, but if that disaster was included, I can see how they got that number.

@Myrmaid: Seconded. No spoilers I promise, but if you've read the first two then you have a pretty good idea of the series and probably can guess that the last one is not exactly going to be warm fuzzies.

@komododave: Wasn't that disgusting? I kept expecting her to say, "I put this band-aid on", and the posse to proclaim her the most bestest doctor ever.

@bilingualsuperheroine: Don't leave out Prince Crap Bag. If you have trouble remembering, just think of a bag of crap. ;-)

@bye june: OK, what you said, since it was nicer :-)

@bye june: Now proving he's a narcissistic shitty parent who is choosing attention over his daughter's well-being. If he gave a shit about her and is truly upset then he would be talking to her. These famewhore parents piss me off. I'm not a saint but I can't even imagine talking to strangers as my first/any response

@justpointingout: Sometimes I feel like 90% of the job of being a parent is fighting to make sure my kids are better than I was.

@Lauren Shaw: Yep and then we wouldn't get the requisite scene of the hero running out of ammo, shaking the gun just in case that might work, and then either throwing it on the ground in disgust or at the villian out of desperation.

@CoffeyWasHere: You are a god for posting that. I will now both heart and worship you.

@Dan Torres: Maybe it's the fact that he has an enormous ego, acts like a petulant child, is reportedly a nasty and mean boss, makes crappy movies, and treats actors like props (i.e. not giving a shit that he had Fox do a scene running in heels so much, her shoes squished with blood). His female characters aren't

@jemandtheholograms: Glad I could help a bit! Thank you for the kind comments and you are so hearted!

@Toa Phoenix: What about when he drives over the lava? That drove me insane. The rubber in the tires are not going to slowly melt away. They'd explode, wouldn't they?

@tylerdn: Good point. My fave money shot from that one was when the ship broke apart.

@AngryFork: I loved the fact that Linda Hamilton has a twin that still looked like Linda did in the '80's. Seeing the Sarah we first met in T1 on the playground living as if she never knew the war was coming was so much more poignant with an exact lookalike of who Sarah would have been.

@jemandtheholograms: It doesn't matter if the story/secret was already out. If somewhere in her employment papers she signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement, she's not allowed to say anything at all. Unless you know, she wants to be a dumb-ass that loses her severance pay.

I think that one of the biggest reasons that the threat of nuclear war is so terrifying to me is that it is the only global and instant disaster that humans control. Volcanoes, earthquakes? They have a certain predictability. Humans? Batshit insane.

@TheGreenMan: And again, I say, sci-fi nerds are the weird ones? Seems more like we're just simple fans and they're the ones that are obsessed.

Very fun list - thank you!

@Spaceboy: ***devil fingers*** WOO HOOOOOOOOO! ***headbang*** Ride that lightning, baby!