
@magista: The fact that a volcano basically collapsed because half of it went sideways - the time-lapse photos are so beautiful in a holy shit way. You actually saw it? Did you feel anything that close?

@Fauxcused: My husband's the same way. He lived in Cocoa Beach and saw it happen outside of school. He doesn't go into much detail and I really don't blame him. It was hard enough to see on TV. He did tell me though, that the shock was palpable. Living there, I guess you get used to launches? Seeing one go that wrong

@burgundee: That's honestly the one reason I didn't watch Caprica. I just couldn't go through another series getting screwed by SyFy with such long hiatuses. I got my family into BSG and then just about got ripped apart when they caught up on DVD and then I had to explain the wait for Season 4.

@AngryLagomorph: Sigh, I know. All sci-fi fans are just nerds to them. I'll never understand how painting your face, getting drunk, and yelling at the TV for sports is OK, but being a sci-fan is not.

And it's in its hearse heading towards the graveyard. Soon to buried in a sci-fi "what-if" purgatory with Dolls making out on Caprica, Captains wearing tight pants, and Sarah Conner just chilling.


@scottjdevey: That's because he's awesome. I was a bit surprised to see his name though, because this show uses silence so well and his strength seems to be in dramatic montage-type music.

OK, I thought that purgatory is where the soul waits before moving on to Heaven or Hell.

@ribe04: In mah belleh! Just finished one and still have the fake bbq sauce smell on my fingers.* To paraphrase Homer: Mmmmmmm, processed pork patties...drool.

@septembergrrl: Oh god, oh god, can't breathe, can't breathe, maggots??? can't breathe, oh god

My roommate's girlfriend got very coked up and tried to throw my sarcastic and 6 months pregnant ass down the stairs. She very obviously won that match.*

@adgeman: With you and hearted. I'm tired of being labeled as a dumb sci-fan fan because I also like space battles. Yes, I loved all the other things about BSG: the political issues it addressed, the whole military vs. civilian rule, right vs. wrong especially when the good guys were the insurgents, etc. But I also

No gifs, as this and the last gif thread are turning my computer into an Atari. But I, and the kitty currently eating my McDonald's double-fish sandwich right out of my hand while climbing on my laptop, would like to say thank you. This whole cat day theme is fantastic.

@beetlemier: And "The Baby" aka "Snickerdoodle" aka "Wants to Swim with the Fishies Real Bad":

@beetlemier: And here she is with her sister, Caprica. And I think they are planning my downfall:

This is Natalie 6 - otherwise known as "Tank" due to the new girth she's obtained. I don't think she likes the bumblebee hat much. I see a bunch of "accidentally" tripping me moments ahead:

@Nivenus: @twophrasebark is correct. Ron wanted a 5th season but SyFy wouldn't guarantee it so he said "fuck it then" and ended it at 4. The quote from Ron: