
@mannequin: Oh but they get us back when they do that whole back leg sticking straight up while they lick their butts thing.

I don't get it. When we filed (due to loss of job and health benefits), we were told that future earning couldn't be seized, but not to make any big (even cash) purchases during the process because it would seriously look bad to the Judge and the creditor's attorneys. We were told that it could jeopardize the case and

@Phyllis Nefler: Payments over time. At least with us. Our lawyer took our case as a Chapter 7 but wouldn't file until we paid $1500 over 3 months. When you are in Chapter 13 (which we converted to), then the attorney's fee is higher and you make monthly payments to the court trustee and all payments go to your

@jeers16: That line from Lafayette actually hurt me. Physically. I'm still recovering from a hysterectomy and I laughed so hard that I had to take a Vicodin!

@AliceSycamore: I am so happy for her!! So two "YAYs" and a heart!

@nolagringa001: That is awful. I am so sorry you had to go through that. So you had to compromise and lie to keep your own organs?! WTF?

@AliceSycamore: Thank you and I'm so glad your sister FINALLY got what she needed. I was so tired of being told, "it's just a heavy period", when I knew it was more. I'll bet your sister felt the same way.

@Indil: Yes!!! You have hit the nail on the head. I've had 2 prior surgeries for endo and have 3 beautiful children. And yet I had to fight to get a hysterectomy. What makes it worse is they said yes when I turned 35. Why is that some magic number, ya know?

@agirlnamedstewart: Thank you! No need to be sad, I'll get this hormone thing down eventually ;-). As long as I'm not bleeding every day and wracked with pain, I feel like I can conquer anything!

@sushini: I completely understand where your mother is coming from. It is blissful to know that it's really over and can't come back.

@cool_as_KimDeal: Oh I am wishing you the best of luck. It's so maddening to try to convince doctors to perform surgery on our parts and basically be told no, you don't know best, we do! Bullshit. I'm rooting for you.

@queenhobart: I am so sorry for all of your pain. My dr. is trying a small dosage estrogen patch to help with the hormones. I have bi-polar disorder so I think it's going to be a delicate dance of meds to eventually feel as "normal" as I can again.

I FINALLY got my hysterectomy!!! I've had severe endometriosis and various other issues for 17 years and I've been begging them to give me a hysterectomy for a while now. We were able to save up the money for the deductible (it took a year!) and as of 10 August 2010, I am reproductive-organ-less.

@RexMaximus: You are the very first person I've spoken with that articulated how I felt about the finale exactly. So hearted.

Guess which percentage I'm in:

@RexMaximus: I think SyFy has a closet hate for BSG, which was also terribly mismanaged. The only thing breaking SyFy's string of SG-1 marathons and shitty movies were BSG season premiers and DVD releases. Outside of those, SyFy almost utterly failed to rerun the show and expand its audience.

@Driver86: I kept falling asleep. Seriously. I haven't been able to make it through a single episode without waking up with drool all over myself.

I have a picture and index card from when I was in the 1st grade and won some student of the month thing and it was posted on a bulletin board. It says: