
@misspennywhistle: My apologies. As your heartbreaking story shows, you're absolutely correct that intense sexual desire does occur in dv relationships. And attention should be called to it as well. I should know better than to assume my experiences are representative of all dv victims. I'm so sorry you went through

@WantToTouchtheWahine: That is the one thing I know I'll never ever get out of my mind and forget. Thank you for your kind words.

As someone who was in a violent relationship from the ages of 17-21, I can say that at least for me, the lyrics and PARTS of this video do such a good job at showing the horrible cycle of a dv relationship that I cried while watching.

@twophrasebark: You have now been awarded +1 sideways internet.

@chriswinters: Yes! I don't give a shit about all the arguments about the finale, right now. I care about more Benjamin Linus! Wheeee!!!

@lurkerbynature: Courtesy of another commenter awhile back when we discussed the best wizard named Harry (oh, yeah I went there):

@Feverlady von Nippon: Very interesting observation about Blomkvist! Since the title was actually "Men Who Hate Women", it makes a bit more sense that the character who truly loves them (as you observed), gets the rewards of every woman wanting to ski his Swedish slopes.

@metaphorsbewithyou: I believe I read that the director of the American version of the movie recently said that actresses being considered for Lisbeth had to be 5' 4" or under in height. While that's not short to me (I'm 5' 1") I think it at least shows that he's paying some attention to Lisbeth's small size in the

@Dresan: I cannot believe how much I am nodding my head at all 3 of your sentences. I may have just fallen in love with you and might ask you to the prom. So hearted.

This is the very first time since I quit 4 months ago that reading, seeing, thinking about coke didn't trigger my brain to start going crazy and my hands to start shaking.

@Brianfowler713: I know, Barrow, Alaska has 30 days where the sun doesn't rise. So the vamps got 30 days of no sunshine (night) to feast, right?

@Big-Tool: Nope, I was let down too. I feel like the passage of time wasn't shown well at all. 30 days of night is the freaking title, so it would've been nice if it actually felt like 30 days passed. Instead it felt like 1 night of the whole town dying and the sheriff and his wife making stupid decisions (really

@REDante: I would watch that. My biggest curiosity about those rag-tag Cylons is if they will eventually try to be more human again. Ya know, did they manage get away with any of that technology? After all, it was the metal Cylons that started the whole damn thing.

@weese17: Oh yes. With my 2nd out of 3 children, the very nice doctor held my placenta up, stretched it flat, and began to point at different spots on it, saying "Look, isn't this amazing? Look at this. Look at it. LOOK!".

@bookling: Great observation! Your comment made me realize that I have trouble remembering the 2 main male character's names from The Hunger Games.

@ProfessorSara: I got that vibe too. I'm hoping that the big change in the 3rd book will be that Katniss finally takes charge outside of the Games.