
@HannahBethD: What a fucking asshole! Too tight? What man complains about that? I guess the same kind that shushes you. An asshole.

@loudlyquiet: Oh no, you've been a big help! At least I know it's normal and not just me being a dumb-ass. I used to be able to make fudge so well at my last apartment (gas stove). But within 1 week of moving into our house, I decided to make some pb fudge and my mixture boiled over onto my new flat ceramic stove top.

@TheDaneAbides: Agreed! My husband and I met*** during a one-night stand. We've been together 12 years now.

@loudlyquiet: You sound like you know what you're talking about here, so just a bitty thread highhack.

@keyamarie: Isn't it great? The first part of relationships are always so full of "gotta be together, gotta have sex, where is he/she, gotta be together". But after settling down, it's so nice to trust the husband to go do what he wants, because then I can do what I want. And it's heaven having the house to myself. At

@samethingwedoeverynightpinky: I think your best bet is to say exactly that. Then there will be no confusion or miscommunication. You might find yourself a really good friend out of this so why not start with being really honest? In the past, I found that a lot of guys actually like when it's just thrown out there

I don't think it's a stretch to believe that if that asshole was capable of keeping 4 mistresses from his wife, hiding his white supremacy collection from her would be very easy in comparison.

@CrimsonVoid: Well, you may or may not be fucked, but you are definitely now hearted. Some solace?

@JRae: It was a joke. Evidently not a very good one.

@CrimsonVoid: Dude, don't you get it? If you don't fit the right categories in these statistics than you are not a real person or you are doomed to never have a soul mate; thus you will NEVER get to bring forth your spawn to populate the world.

100% of beetlemier doesn't give a shit about these studies. Gah! Can't all this time be spent on something more helpful to human-kind?

@prairieportia: Oh, lord. What about Viagra/Levitra commercials? They make whole commercials around a great looking and successful man with his happy wife, good golf game, etc. They could just tell men that the drugs make their dicks harder for longer, right?

@Ofmyself: Agreed. The ad worked in my house. Got my 16 year old's attention. She thought the ad was effective and scary. Plus her friends are talking about it and starting to ask her questions (I have HPV and she's had the immunizations so she's pretty informed on the issue).

@pantsless: And then he cried - it's Tebow he has to cry.

@lurker2209: Oooh, I love the carrot cake without raisins as well. But you're right - it's so hard to find.

@almae825: Does this count for any other fruit as well? Ever since I had the canker sore problem from the ibuprofen and my stomach problems, all raw fruits and veggies make my mouth break out.

Heating pads that are big enough to wrap around your front and back, the medicine that you know works (be careful overdoing ibuprofen - copious amounts aren't as safe as they say for some people), and a nice big joint. If available, lower back massages from a partner are golden.