
Coxsackie sounds like a somewhat more tone-y version of Catskill. Nice to drive through but I’m glad I don’t live there. With the exception of Albany and Hudson, everything north of Ulster County (where I live) seems like a creepy No Man’s Land of possible lynching (although, Pine Bush is not even twenty minutes away

I live not far from Coxsackie—moved upstate from Brooklyn back in the Aughts—and the locals seem to pronounce it cook-SAH-key. I dunno if that’s how the indigenous peoples pronounced and pronounce it, or if that’s how colonizers pronounce it so other colonizers aren’t constantly laughing that their hometown sounds

Aaaaand, now I’m dead.
::keels right over::

That’s what he gets for trying to ride Lizzo’s (TALENT) relevance and mitigate his own lack of it. Mr. Bye, Felicia just got his own Reality Check ... and you KNOW we NOT THROUGH. I hope his “handsome” ass gets dragged until he shuts all the way up.

It’s the only way to be sure.

He’s ruining his own farm for six apples. He’s responsible—as the owner—for the “incident” HIS FARM created unnecessarily.

WELL. Even the most broken clock is right twice a day. Now, we just have to wait for that second time.

THANK YOU! That smile looks like she’s in a hostage situation. Her eyes are screaming “I DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE WITH THIS CREEP AND I’M AFRAID TO BLINK TWICE.

“Pork golem” ... that is beautiful.

I mean ... you’re not wrong... .
::can’t deny true truths::

He doesn’t even recognize that he’s been in the streets bragging about pedophiles raping his children. That’s how misogynist, homophobic and backwards he is.

The greatest among us too often go mostly unsung. If a hero isn’t wearing a figurative cape, sometimes, they get passed over by even history, itself. I’m glad that didn’t happen entirely with Mrs. Times. She put the time (no pun intended), work, energy, and effort to walk her talk. That is so rare, relative to those

“Mango Unchained”

It’s ALWAYS been that way for me. I have never seen greys except when they’re copied and pasted, or there’s a screenshot of them, in a non-grey reply. I’ve literally never seen un-greyed replies except for a few times something I wrote that had been un-greyed.

Thank you for that :-)

Thank you for the reply. I get that Cleveland doesn’t seem to like what it sees in her but I don’t get what it is seeing that makes her the worse choice. Perhaps I’d have to live there to get it. The whole damn USA and world refused to believe NYCers when we said: “SERIOUSLY. DONALD TRUMP IS WORSE THAN TRASH. HE LIVES

THANK YOU for replying.

I’m not sure if I was offensive or if I should apologize about something in the post. I’m aware that the post is rant-y—that’s who I am, but if there’s something that needs apologizing for, I will. At the best of times I’m not great at winning over and influencing. This race and so many others have been made so much

The further RIGHT America moves, the more power both democrats and republicans keep and perpetuate. The further LEFT, the more they BOTH lose. They BOTH have a vested interested in traditional, centrist, ball-playing candidates because their seemingly opposed and balanced power is just two sides of a nasty, worthless

At my Brooklyn elementary school, private, Baptist, and Black, we sang “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” EVERY morning, without fail.” I never stopped to realize what a gift it was. Rarely paid attention to the words because I began singing it at five years old and had known nothing about enslavement or the song prior to