Beet Arthur

Gorillaz is not Blur. Anything without Graham Coxon is not Blur, and as far as I know, Mr. Coxon has never played on a Gorillaz record. Gorillaz is Damon Albarn and friends.

Because Banksy:

I honestly don’t think the Russians actively colluded with him, possibly his associates but not him, he’s far too erratic for that.

I am still 50/50 on whether this Russia shit happened on purpose or he just dumbassed his way into it. Neither one would surprise me, honestly.

Yep. If I see a guy’s butthole during coitus something has gone terribly wrong.

Okay but can we also talk about him getting a mandatory sentence of 19 years for stealing a cell phone? Like in what world is that a proportional punishment?

and Maher just keeps on talking...! He seems like the least self-aware guy ever.

Isn’t that cute? Bill thinks he’s funny.

I’d say the latter. He’s always been the worst type of “progressive” white male — dripping with privilege he denies the existence of, vaguely contemptuous of anyone who espouses “identity politics” (i.e., cares about anything that doesn’t directly benefit white men), and casually (and sometimes not so casually) sexist

I saw it at a preview last night, and despite some strange plot holes and rushed story lines, it was visually stunning. The way the director and cinematographers captured the female warriors’ bodies was beautiful. There could have been one less gratuitous slow motion fight scene, but I’ll let it slide.

I was super excited about Dr. Poisen. Not only do we need more female heroes, we also need more female villains. Especially because her superpower was her mind. She was the smartest person on the enemy side. Could’ve done without Ares being an old white dude. Etta stole my heart.

I needed to see a woman kicking ass and fighting for justice, but more importantly, I needed to see her achieve it by herself, on her own merits, by being the hero because it’s the right thing to do.

I went to see it with my 11 year-old stepdaughter last night. At the end, she turned to me and asked if we could buy it as soon as it came out on Amazon Instant Video, and that Wonder Woman was now her favorite superhero, “Sorry Black Widow”. So it meant a lot to her, at least, and I’m glad DC gave that to her.

My friend laughed at me because as the trailers came to a close, I put my hands to my face and whispered/pleaded, “please let this movie be good.”

A lot of orchestras hold “blind auditions”: hopefuls play behind a screen, with the process arranged so that no hint of their gender presentation or race reaches the panel. These orchestras suddenly found themselves hiring people other than white men - even though they’d honestly believed they hired on merit alone.

Ivanka probably IS the handler.

Parent-child role reversal? Still fits the icky incest factor.

Its going to be amazing when the outcome of this election was that Ivanka is actually the puppet master and it wasn’t Donald that defeated Hillary but a well connected Russian sympathetic over-botoxed handbag designer did

When you come from a position of privilege, equality looks like oppression.

This theater was warned, and yet they persisted.