I said to my friend today we’re glued to the news the way other people are stuck on the Kardashians.
I said to my friend today we’re glued to the news the way other people are stuck on the Kardashians.
See, my pure, mainlined smack with all of this bullshit are the message boards on the right wing sites. I don’t know why I do it to myself, but every time some shit goes down, my first stop is free republic to see how the sunburned, toupee-wearing geriatrics are spinning shit and yelling at each other over loyalty.
I was just wondering what she would look like after a few nonths without hair dye, botox and fillers. What would daddy think of Ivanka with her natural hair color and unshaved legs?
And Ugly Crying, instead of that Stepford Daughter face she usually wears.
My guess is that Pence is involved as well. After Trump got roundly shellacked in the final debate, there was a whirlwind of insider rumours that Pence was going to drop from the ticket, then there was a “Nope, guess not.”
I dunno. Pence is either guilty as hell, or he wants to run for president someday. If he pardons this asshole I feel like he shoots whatever political career he has left in the face. Also, on a personal level, why? Like really, what does he gain?
Zing! I heard something on the news last night that Jared and Ivanka were high on Flynn which speaks to their incredible, dangerous ignorance. Flynn is a nut. I don’t know him personally but I do know somebody well respected in the Pentagon who does, and ... wow. Not good.
Jared understands federal prison better than anyone else in this mess. He will go feral and take down everything around him before he gets put in a cage like his father.
Jesus H. I just hope this all taints them so badly that there’s no chance of an Ivanka campaign, like ever.
Man, the mere thought of Ivanka and Jared going to prison is giving me the biggest lady boner right now.
If Trump has to go through impeachment (if he were to even fight it; I feel like he’d just resign), and faces ANY prison time as a result... I have no doubt that will completely snap his fragile mind.
>Pence would probably pardon him is my gut feeling
Why would you think Jared is reasonable?
I’d give up several organs to see Ivanka, makeup free, being led away in handcuffs.
The Reuters article seemed to implicate Jared as having lied to the FBI about his own contacts with Kislyak and maybe some other Russians as well (too much news, brain hurts, can’t remember). Both the Times and Post reported that Jared was also urging Trump to go on the attack after the Mueller news, which I found…
Thank you. I was sitting here wondering if I was an asshole the entire time I was reading the post.
This is a definite reach.
Screw “Must-See TV.” Bring back “TGIF” from 1990.
I don’t think NBC or the industry in general has the patience to truly revive Must See TV. Seinfeld wasn’t an instant hit, but they kept giving it a chance until it was. These days you see new shows get moved to the graveyard slot or killed off before they’re halfway into their ordered run.