Beet Arthur

I mean, he looks like he enjoys food, anyways. So there’s that.

All the stars for you 👏👏

This. I know a lot of dudes that have no close female friends and plenty of others that have a few but only because they’re waiting for their turn for sex essentially. Much like Mike Pence, most of these dudes literally cannot see themselves as having anything in common with females. They can’t identify and when you

I’m from the UK, have a brother who identifies as a feminist and is an adorable dad to his little girl and brilliant to his wife who earns more than he does and is generally lovely to the women in his life. It doesn’t make him a “cuck”. Yeah these guys definately choose to be douchbags. God/Goddess/whatever forbid

I like this reproductive choice variation on the Bechdel Test.

Your comment seems out of line? Unless I’m missing some sarcasm.

Their entire MO is contempt for women.

Any man who speaks about it like this excretion needs to have his dick removed with a butter knife.

at least one romantic partner

Any man who speaks about abortion should STFU.

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.”—Germaine Greer.

Is it impossible for these people to speak about abortion without revealing their contempt for women, or do they choose not to?

The measure the city is considering would send their own children to a school 25 blocks away. And since this is NYC, 25 blocks is a HELL of a longer ways away from home.

Now playing

Her roast of President Hillary in an alternate universe was just too fucking depressing.

Yes this was some Michelle Obama size shade. Or is it? Shade Court?

The most clever part, to me, was subtly mocking the election coverage - “keep watch on the podium for ‘breaking news’ while some woman stands over there reciting detailed policy proposals.” Pretty huge and deep burn on cable news.

Sam Bee is the fucking best. Sorry I have nothing more insightful to add.

I really don’t think he is. I think most of the people who say he’s a shoo-in are “coastal political media elites”, to borrow terminology from the opposition, who see us as a homogenous red mass. Montana is a very unique and complex state politically. It’s progressive in the turn-of-the-century sense, independent

I live in Montana and people here absolutely hate him. His failed bid for the governorship was embarrassing to the entire state.

Is it just me or is that photo super cult-y? Maybe it’s the combination of the remote looking background and also they’re both wearing weirdly bright white shirts and brain-washy smiles. He looks like he’s welcoming you onto the compound from which you will never be seen from again. And she’s looking forward to having