Later, the user posted: “I killed 15 today because of [the second woman].”
Later, the user posted: “I killed 15 today because of [the second woman].”
For those who haven’t been following the plot, Donald Trump is a reality TV performer currently acting in the role of President while wearing a human disguise.
Time will tell if this is true, but these are giving me life right now...
That makes sense but everyone treats them like the help and the mom was rude to Georgina. You would think they would have problem with that.
They could have just said they were family friends/early arrivals to the party, though, if that was the case. That honestly would have also prevented the dad from having to do that “aw, shucks...hope you’re not offended all of our help is black!” routine. I think the movie hints that the grandpa is just happy to be…
That’s totally fair.
‘Bros are delicate flowers.
#notallitalians I guess, probably, but when I studied in Italy the police officer during orientation told us not to get too angry at Italian men because catcalling is a national sport, after football. So make of that what you will.
My friend and I had to run from men in a car after she yelled back at them in frustration during our semester in Italy. She’d reached her breaking point at the street harassment, it must have been shortly after she got her pussy grabbed on the way home from the Internet cafe, and the men considered having their…
Toxic masculinity always shows up to ruin the party.
Oh man this fucking guy. What a cuck.
the world has changed very much since the bull was originally placed. To me it no longer symbolizes “the resilience of the American market”, but rather, the greed and selfishness of Wall St. and their complete disregard for the middle class, trampling over them to get more money in their pockets.
For some reason Carter Page strikes me as a guy who would’ve been in the Hale Bopp cult.
It leads to more questions IMO. How did Trump even hear about Carter Page? How did he even hear about Manafort for that matter? Who recommended them and why?
Of course I always used to say “I don’t know why people are in such a rush to get on. We all have a seat.”
Lol. So young and naive.
I don’t know anything about this guy because I don’t watch the Daily Show anymore. I will be watching Samantha Bee’s Alt-White House Correspondents Dinner.
I will be watching Sam Bee’s correspondence drunken party for sure.