Beet Arthur

See the sexual harasser Casey Affleck.

Well comey can eat shit and die.

Did he talk about any famous women from this century who aren’t died? I see he talked about one woman of color.

heaving husband, who has enthusiastically compared women to animals and spoken freely about his own history of sexual assault.

Why isn’t Jennifer Coolidge portraying her on Saturday Night Live? Why???!?? Gaaaah!!!

“Around we’ve had leaders like Susan B. Anthony. Have you heard of Susan B. Anthony? I’m shocked that you’ve heard of her — who dreamed of a much more fair and equal future and an America where women themselves as she said helped to make laws and elect the lawmakers, and that’s what’s happening more and more.”

Side note: it really annoyed me when people referred to the Clintons as a “dynasty” during the election. Two politically ambitious people being married does not a dynasty make. They aren’t the fucking Kennedys.

As a childfree-by-choice lady, I’ve never felt the resentment over baby shower presents that some others feel. If my sisters have babies and I buy them presents, and I don’t have babies and they don’t buy me presents, I’m still WAY ahead of the game financially. (Financial considerations are only one of the many

Yes. You do!

Bought my own kitchenaid. So glad I didn’t wait for a wedding for it. Also, it means I could buy the one with the stronger motor and not feel bad that it was so pricey.

The only thing I’ve seen comparable to that was when a friend bought her first house and had a housewarming party, and we all brought her some food and stuff for her home. There needs to be an apartment equivalent. That’d be nice.

me. every morning when I wake up and find out Trump is still breathing.

I keep this filed under What We Lost.


I still get teary every time I hear her speak. She should fucking be president.

Shut the fuck up. One of the Bush daughters is on GoodMorning America.

That’s not really news though. Michael Moore wrote a piece about that before the election, basically saying that Trump had energized a lot of (horrible) people, and they were foaming at the mouth to vote him in. Meanwhile there was a lot of voter apathy for Clinton.

*Hot Take Alert*

Recharge by taking part in local gatherings and marches! The science march is April 22nd, being a scientist is not a prerequisite. :-)

Ugh, so shrill!