Beet Arthur

Teenage boys in trench coats have lost some cachet the last 18 years or so.

Taking odds on how many girlfriends’ abortions he’s paid for over the years “but that’s different.” I’m guessing minimum three.

Lisa Kudrow is so underrated and I adore her.

“Are you saying that women and minorities have a more difficult time getting their stuff read than white men and you’re also saying that [white men] get to make mediocre movies and can continue on?”

Rewatch the West Wing knowing what you know now. You’ll see it.

the wall will be 30 feet tall

This headline is so misleading and it’s so, so shameful of you to frame the situation like this. The GIF caused him a seizure. He’s epileptic. Yes, that is assault when you do something with the intent of hurting someone else, whether it’s just a GIF. That troll put him in danger knowingly. Epileptic seizures are

Many people are genuinely concerned about Richard, but this guy isn’t. He’s like my mom, who makes my problems (or joys) all about her so she can talk about them.

All these latest reports are kind of killing any of the mystery and intrigue that were part of the podcast. Now it all seems kinda dumb and pointless. Ah, well.

Kind of sounds like Taberski is a creepy weirdo who needs to leave Richard alone. By kind of I mean completely and totally.

I mean....who cares? Truly who? I don’t have enough anger in my body to be angry at these dumb fuck nobodies. Their songs suck and are overplayed. They aren’t going to have an amazing careers. We all know this. We have bigger fish to fry.

I totally appreciate the men writers taking over for International Women’s Day. This said, it seems to me to be odd that on International Women’s Day, on a feminist website, there are a spate of articles about what it is like to be a man, or a ‘mail ally’, or a gossip column (well-intended) that leaves all of the

We musn’t mess with one’s feels

Yep. There’s a Trump-ness to him. He likes whoever likes him. He will scratch the back of whoever makes him look good. He takes on liberal values that suit him but falls back into status quo insults when those insults clearly exclude him.

It kills me that Larry lost his show and Bill will probably have his until he dies or retries. Television viewers have no taste.

Why do people continue to give this guy a voice? And yes, this bullshit tells you way more about Maher than that idiotic Nazi poster boy. Don’t worry Milo.... they haven’t forgotten you’re gay - they’re just waiting till you’re no longer any use to them

Good to see he’s moving on from Heidi Klum

Many, many countless men have run for the Presidency in our country’s history and lost, yet more men — and sometimes those same men — never hesitate to throw their hat in the ring 4 years later. The idea that one woman coming close and losing means no women can run for POTUS until the country magically becomes

She went with him because he needs a carer, in case he’s out the house when his amphetamine-induced dementia sun-downing begins.

I just want you to know I’ve had an incredibly difficult day as my maybe divorce has essentially become a certain divorce. And this comment made me laugh to the point of thinking I would need oxygen for about 10 uninterrupted minutes.